How'd it go today?

Good spanner work Jim, do D8s have brakes? I thought dozers just stopped.

Pricing all day today, I prefer to dedicate a Saturday to it, if I try to do them after work/on the way home, I'm inevitably in a bad mood and rushed, not conducive to a good pitch.

I have already passed last years figures so ticking along nicely, as always just wish I was 10 years younger!
Good Growth, Mick.

With that machine and grapple, you productivity will go through the roof. I do a lot more work/ $ in less time, with less overhead and far, far, far less employee headaches. Its going to get better and better. I still laugh daily when the 'Ogre' comes to mind. Its just soooo easy. Push, pull, lift, hahaha.

I heard from a local machinist, the guy with the Bonneville Salt Flats cars, that Alpine Machine, who makes Alpine Magnum grinders, is working on other grinder designs to fit Mini-excavators, possibly mini-loaders. Don't know anything more. Those guys have know each other from way back. AM is in Olympia.
Thanks all. Good show Jim, Sean and Mick!

Parade with the little girl today, sat with her on her school float. Took the f150 to Burford to have supper with the GF's sister. Then drove to Simcoe to pickup a toolbox for the f150, $200.
Did a small land clearing last week. 120 yards of chip in 2 days. Mostly chipping whole cedars but there were a couple biggins in there. Kinda funny though that the HO thought it would be ready for grass seed when i was finished.
Did a small land clearing last week. 120 yards of chip in 2 days. Mostly chipping whole cedars but there were a couple biggins in there. Kinda funny though that the HO thought it would be ready for grass seed when i was finished.

I'm sure he can sprinkle grass seed. Mowing, well, not ready for mowing.
Can't remember if I put up picks of this yet but I just moved into a new shop. It's old but useful. Electric, water, 3 bay garage, plenty of parking, big turn around, 1 mile from my house. 20171015_161921.jpg 20171013_161148.jpg 20171006_135118.jpg
Took the F150 on a drive to London. Did well. Not bad on fuel. Changed the lock on my new to me tool box. Put it for tomorrows job. Need to add a.hasp and padlock. Funky angles and doubled walled lid make it challenging.
Killed some smallish trees for the local crazy cat lady.
Cats all over the place. In volieres and outside.
Easy job, except all the brush had to be dragged a looong way out to the chipper.
Arbortrolley hooked after the ATV made relatively short work of that.

I tore a muscle in my back or something yesterday, so the apprentice did the climbing.
He had to go up in the thin top of a tall skinny birch.
Since it was windy,and that stem was swaying all over the place, I was wondering if he'd chicken out.
Didn't faze him at all, which made me quite happy.