Making a few $$ change repairing saws too.
Latest is a little Stihl 021...people bought it for $50 at a garage and labour to get it back to ok will be around $200
New bar (bent and burred bad on one side , prob never been turned) 14" GB bar and chain combo $56 AUD, pretty good I thought.
New drive sprocket (seriously worn out)
Needle bearing (destroyed)
Starter pawl (worn)
Side cover with chain catcher (plastic chain catcher gone)
Air filter (old one...well, guess)
Very lucky to have an on-line aftermarket parts supplier in state, free are ordered and on the way

But IMO, a good little saw for a homeowner when it's going ok. Apparently it does run, they cut up a tree (showed me the bits) the week before they dropped it off to 'have it sharpened!'
It was filthy on the starter side too, I bet the original owner never took the starter cover off to clean it
My first chainsaw was an 021, it's still going 20 years later...
Looked at a big weed whacker too, 'it won't start, can you check the spark plug'...spark plug reasonable, hmm...let's look in the gas tank (empty) pulled out fuel line (couldn't see any filter on the end) fuel hose disintegrated, and yes, there is the filter rattling around loose on the bottom, nasty yellow colour. It sat for ages with old gas in it... $20 to tell them the Chinese cheapo was not going to run any time soon. Where would I even start to look for parts!!