CurSed, I am glad that I am not the only one that had to deal with brakes today. The rear rotors and pads needs changed on my wife's prius. No big deal, I've done this before, but just in case I watched a few youtube videos. One video said unhook the battery because of an electric brake actuator thingy, ok easy enough. The first problem was getting the rotor off, it was rust welded on but I finally beat it off. The next problem was getting all the shims and little springs and things lined up and put on while keeping everything together. Ok, finally got it. Now grab a clamp and depress the caliper piston, nothing happening so I bleed a little fluid out of the line, still nothing and I'm loosing my patients. So I get comfortable and watch a 17 minute youtube video and find out I need a special tool that goes on the piston and turns it clockwise which somehow depresses the caliper.... At this point I was fit to be tide! I went in the house and watched some tv, ate some dinner and had an epiphany. I'll make my own tool. So I find a proto 1 1/8" socket and start grinding on it. Turns out it worked really well and with all the right tools things are going much better. The other side only took about 15 minutes. Last thing I have to do is hook the battery back up. Go to pop the trunk (where the battery is) and it won't open, it's electric. Now I have to fold down the back seats and crawl in the back with a head lamp on and a 10mm end wrench. So it took most of the day but I got it and hopefully a tire doesn't fall off later.