How'd it go today?

Kyle, to be fair the three large ones were only 4-6" deep. Other three maples were not large but did need the rrootballs mostly gone. Only 10.5hp, fabricated myself from scratch.
Got my EMR licence renewed today.

All I had to do was call the State, tell them some information and then my licence was linked to my personal login.

30 bucks via credit card and I am good for 2 more years.

Kinds sucks that I had to renew it actually, but by the time I finish this EMT class I would have been unlicensed for a month and a half. Did not want to sit out any ambulance thirty bucks for a month an a half it was.

It will probably take over a month once I submit my EMT licence to get going.
Atta boy on the bumper, excellent work there. Rajan, you ground all 6 stumps with that machine in an hour and a half? I've been looking for a stumper, almost bought a tow behind but it didn't fit in backyards, so it was almost useless for me.

Kyle, Canadian Peter / Raj is different than Wisconsinian Rajan/ Flushcut. Easy confusion.
More rain.

Dropped oak logs at the mill. He can cut 36", so, I'll be able to get full width slabs. He'll cut them in a couple weeks when he gets free. I'm in no rush. Don't know what I'll do with them. Stack them a while.
Sam, have you used a Gri Gri before? You need to be careful as that 10mm Reep Schnur will fall through the Gri Gri like water when it is unweighted. This can lead to unexpected slack at times.
Jim, the tabs are in slots and welded on the back too, kind of into the bracket part that bolts to the truck.

I've never used a grigri before, but I spent about an hour the other day messing around with it. It's pretty slick. Locks off and lot's of control. It tended and ran the 3:1 effortlessly. I can see how if you floored it on the handle you'd pretty much be in free fall. . . No anti-panic features either. Still, it felt very secure. In my mind, I'll always still be tied into my main line when using this. . .

Kyle, Canadian Peter / Raj is different than Wisconsinian Rajan/ Flushcut. Easy confusion.

My bad Peter, I've been reading this forum long enough to know better, was posting in a hurry as i was leaving for work. Please tell me there is a thread on you building that somewhere, if not, could you please post some pictures and explain how you built that? That sounds like a very capable machine, and is super cool that you built it
...Still, it felt very secure. In my mind, I'll always still be tied into my main line when using this. . .

Cool, as long as you are aware of what can happen. I use the Captain also and tried using the Gri Gri but found it less than ideal. Everything worked great as you described but I will sometimes set the hook as a positioning stabilizer. This is were I had trouble with it slacking off if I unweighted it. I set it aside and went back to the Trango.
And then I had to ALAP. :|: had to Quarter the rounds to move them... Damn heavy!


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:lol: I let the old dog show the new kid what's up. They worked pretty good together on the stump...
066 Stig. Never torn open and rebuilt. Old dog earned me a lot of money over the years
Nice Saw for sure.
I liked the 064 a tad better but the 066 still beat anything that has been put out in that class since , until the 661 arrived.
Been running that for two years now ( I think! The years just speed by as one gets old) and it flat beats any other felling saw in that class, I've ever used.
Probably end up replacing it with 661. But.. I will resurrect her at least once when the time comes. I will also back her up with a large Echo before then and get some hours off her. 800P. Tad over 80 CC. Been real pleased with the Echos I have purchased over the last couple years. The 680 is brand new and reminds me of the 044 but a tad heavier. Nice saw.
Interesting re the Echos. I've never tried a big Echo but I've had a small top handle one for ages, it is a ridiculous little saw, completely bullet proof but a little underpowered. But on the whole, I would call it the ultimate homeowner saw for most everything around the house
My little top handles survived forever it seemed.
I bought a 330 after 3-360s and love it. It had more guts than the larger 360s just open muffler and retune.
I bought a 355, it was ok. Better torque than the 360s and some other stuff, but still not as good as that little 330.
My 590s never disappoint, but the filter leaves a bit to be desired.
So we are buying the ones with the round filters. 450s have been great. Reminds me of the 346.
680 is a nice beast.
Down side is the lack of good big dawgs. Double dawgs, The 800 has them though. I have more to look into and Echo does listen to our input as well as other pro users.
Did a quote for an existing customer today, very attractive, friendly and down to earth lady. Turns out she has a bit of a modelling/fashion blog. I'm tempted to share pics but it feels slightly creepy...
I have no first hand idea. He hasn't contacted me and I haven't contacted him. I rarely to never see them around and from the bits I've gleaned from my 'sources' they've gone quite a different direction than I ran. Hack attack. I'm watching about 1/2 of the mature fir trees that they topped last year for a neighbour showing major stress this year. This after me talking that neighbour out of having that done. I know you're a proponent of the 'customer is always right' camp. But this is a prime example of why trees shouldn't be topped. 100+ year old firs who's only issue before the topping had been they were 'to tall'. Now they are dying and will have to be removed. Value added removals I guess. Stuff like that makes me embarrassed my name is on the door. But, it's a common name. Lol.

So what I've heard, pricing up, quality down. I've heard this on a few accounts now that the attention to detail that I had built the business on is lacking now.

I wish them all the best. I'd have helped them in anyway I could if they had wanted it, that was his choice to end all communication.

I have tried to be humble my whole life. Confident and proud of my abilities and accomplishments. But humble in my interactions with others, always treating everyone as a equal. Espescially in a employee/employer situation. The new owner has a 'I'm the boss' type of attitude and whether I'd have sold him the company or just been hired off the street it would never have worked out for us as an employer/employee.

It's funny to me. So with my personality typeI make a better employer than employee. Always known that. I've always spoken my mind and worked as an equal whether employer or employee. Some employers don't like that. I don't work for them for long.

And with the new owners personality in my mind he was a better employee than employer. I never walked tall and puffed my chest about how great I was for owning/building my little tree Service. I noticed within seemingly moments of ownership the new owner was quite proud of himself for buying my business.
Well I guess he's still going and making money.

The new guy is always going to do things differently.

Thanks for the answer, I was curious.