More biners!!!
Geeze, that was cool Gary!
I would have cut my head off 5 seconds into that. I would need a wooden sword.
What is going through your mind when you do that? Is your mind busy or are you peaceful?
haha...that's a great question. I am having a latte' with the Dali Lama while I do that.

The sword movement has gotten beyond the thought phase so that's good. I need to focus more on the minor hand...some of the time it is supposed to be helping support the back...I can see it goes slack. The video will help me address finer points of good technique. It's kind of like good work positioning in treework. Sometimes it's only a few inches difference between straining a lot or finding the sweet spot where one can relax. With that drill I am looking for the relaxing sweet spot while in motion.

The mindset for me is more "non-focused" than busy. It's a good question. I'll pay more attention the next time I do it now that you asked.