How'd it go today?

I haven't plugged it in yet but I'm told it smokes a little. A new motor is about $600 which ain't bad considering the machine is about $2000. So if I'll I gotta do is replace the motor than I'm still saving money so to speak.
Great find, Page.

Fiona, was it an acute injury, or a planned surgery?

Seems so simple to put a big sign on the inside of the dump tailgate "Don't be the doofus!" People forget their dump bed is up and drive away. That only takes one person. Sometimes dumping is hindered by a 'helper', so quick to want to help, and slow to listen how to help.
Jim...about reloading with kids around...I had a Dillon RL450B. I was using the 450 where you have to manually charge each case with powder. When Katie was about 3-5 years old I had a good run going, reloading .380s to feed an M-11. :/: Distraction is not your friend.

I accidentally loaded a squib powder. Later, the primer was just enough to send the bullet half way down the barrel. Luckily I was only shooting semi-auto at the time. If you get my drift.

I bought a Dillon after that...automatic powder dispensing each time the unit is indexed. No more squibs but a scary lesson.
Good story Gary.

I had a foul up yesterday but Richard caught it!. I only have an old single stage press, so Richard runs the lever sizing the case, I prime and charge the case and Richard seats the bullet and puts the finished cartridge in the box.

I forgot to prime the last one and he caught all the powder running out the bottom. He looked at me and said "dad!, did you forget something?"

Good boy Richard. I was too sick to try and spin it like I knew there was no primer and was testing him.
Kind of funny, here I am sitting at home....trying to overdose on cold medicine while the band plays with out me. One of the other guitar players is at his grandfather's funeral or vigil tonight too. They are two men down.

Both of us are captains on the fire department, he is an EMT, I am an EMR.

They just paged for a possible stroke at the bar we were supposed to play at tonight.

Funny how things work sometimes.
Finished round one of nursing school friday. Pulled an A in Pharmacology, missed A by 1.5 points in fundamentals . Oh well,, a good 1/2 to 1/3 of my class is gone I think. The reaping......
Went climbing for the first time in a long time.....sore as shit today. I was much needed fear therapy though!
Contractors left a 2" water line exposed, which split open last night. Wrapped it in radiator hose and clamped the shit out of it last night in the 8 degree cold. This morning we blew down the water tank and cut and capped the line. . . Who leaves water lines exposed in the middle of December??

Supposed to be even colder tonight. . . We put heat tape on the main and a bit more insulation. I hope that holds it over until they're done with their form work.
This is what I get for thinking I'll just unload in the morning:X
Spent last evening building a wood box since the kids have taken over my basement and I can no longer store a months supply down there. Now I need to make a smaller one to hold a days worth for next to the wood burner. IMG_1380.jpg
Found out I gotta load it a bit lighter for the mini to handle:(
Yep, she was pissed Mick. Turns out we have an appointment for a family photo in a couple days.

Oh, well. It runs in the family. When I was two or three we went to town for Christmas dinner at my mother's folks place. All the old hens were making over my long curly hair so Dad loaded me up drove home and cut my hair. Got back in time for desert. Man, them old women were mad!

First snow Rich?