A year ago we were taking out some trees next to a road, acacias, a basswood, bits and bobs.
Clients were an old couple biggish house, neglected grounds, cats everywhere, filthy house, you know the scene.
Anyway, in the corner of the overgrown paddock there's a couple of plum trees hiding in the hedge line and in the course of pulling a few back from the road we half crush one of them.
The lads look at me and I say "bung it through the chipper, they'll never notice"
Two months later I get a call from the old girl spitting feathers, threatening with legal action etc. I abase myself and offer to replace it in the autumn when it's the planting season. "I want a Mirabelle" she says.
So at the weekend I source a Mirabelle and take it round with a stake and some compost, expecting her to have forgotten (or be dead!) but no, she's very much alive and still Fewminnn.
"One's not enough, I want two more of a different sort" so I get her to write down the type and race off to the nursery, where as luck would have it they have two of that exact type.
I return to see that their gardener has put the first tree in the ground, I pass him the other two gratefully and get the feck out of there.
Old people, underestimate them at your peril!