How'd it go today?

Trying to keep up with bidding, phone calls and looking for a helper.

Lot's of work, Gonna start actively raising some rates and seeing if things get leaner or greener.
This guy is a furniture mover....I kinda know him already...he's from the woods and wants to change things up. He wants $20/hour and has no skills except miving stuff, but a DL.....and he can DJ at night.

My other choice would be a Chinese speaking or Spanish speaking kid for 15/hour. No DL, no skills but language leads to more sales in that neighborhood.

I'm just getting comfortable with carrying another mouth to feed.

Anyhoo. Need a truck and chipper for reals now.......
Why is every used piece of tree equipment in Pennsylvania?
Looking for a F550.....2001-2002....supposedly the best years for the Powerstroke. I've seen some for 20-25k.......that's high for me....and so it goes.
Ordered new water pump for chip truck and am going crazy with boredom otherwise.

A friend of mine is bored too, waiting to recover from a lil heart surgery. I recommended a book to him, its a good read, its in the TH book thread, "438 Days" about a fisherman lost at sea for over a year, we know you love the outdoors and this book is all about it. My friend loved it, same with a few other friends who read it too.
I read the book. Made me swear to myself I would never go to Antarctica so as to eliminate even the remotest possibility of getting stuck like he did, ha
Solo pruned 1/2 a large oak tree. It's over 2 properties. One side seems to be getting a regular saturation of glyphospate for weed control. Add mistletoe infestation and drought. Well, you understand. The Church is the culprit on one side. One whole leader dead already and the tree is not faring all that well. My client has been mulching it and put a slow water on it. Still trying to talk to the churches ground keeper to stop the process. You would think having almost every tree dead on a property would get some people a clue. Said my piece, kicked ass, made a mess, took my cash and the homeowner gets to clean it up.:|:
Whats the story with these big city customers, why are they so damn flighty?
I had a bad flu last week, got antibiotics and postponed some of the work as I was way too wrecked at peak symptoms. 3 clients with small, very standard everyday type jobs decide they need to cancel instead of wait a few days to have it done, I can always find work so I'm not sweating on the money but its still disappointing to realise that's how the market is... bidding, answering questions, working out dates, waiting for responses, following up for response on dates etc. all my time down the toilet, frig you all. They still go ahead and book me for the new date but then run around getting other bids meantime, to achieve what outcome?

Sorry, just had to get that rant off my chest.
Idiot impatience is the story, like the people that get held up by a flagman when a tree or part of one is getting swung over a road attached to something barely seeable, then they shoot dirty looks at the world when they get the ok to drive by a minute or two later. I guess it's their prerogative though, to be in a not disapproving frame of mind when preferring to go through and possibly get their skull crushed.
On a related note, we were clearing a 1/4 acre lot by taking down the one large, spreading beech tree on it. Halfway through, a surveyor showed up to mark the corners etc. I was none too happy about sharing the small worksite with anyone but it was what it was and he looked up fairly often to try to stay of the way. So Im up in the bucket, we're roping piece after piece, a lot of em had a big swing as they grew out over neighbor's property and had to land in the middle of our lot, near the chipper. Well you know, on each cut, sooner or later you have to put all your focus on the backcut, you can't be looking other places and also cutting. So I go to make a cut, the surveyor simultaneously starts heading right thru the drop zone, oblivious this time. A hundred pound piece swings down and literally misses his head by 6". Holy shit, I lost it.
My dad used to hop off an excavator or dozer and literally run everyone off a job site.

Worst were county commissioners or other contractors. They would sit in their pickups and wait after that.

He is not a large man but folks new to get the hell away from him.