Just happy the wood is being re-purposed so wonderfully. Figure those folks have had something like 56' of 3' dia log carved and god only knows how much board foot of lumber milled.
He had a time trying to get the details into the claws. He is designing and having built some new carving tools that should be quite interesting to see. Then he wants to market them. I can't wait to check them out. Should be out of fabrication soon.
Been a hellish run of late here with repairs and break downs. You all know I sent the injector pump out Friday for rebuild. I got back up here in the hills and went back to the job site to find the Dingo with two blown hydraulic hoses. I also got a phone call that the wood splitter (rented out to a landscaper friend) broke at the splitting wedge on the end of the ram.
So Saturday, I drive an hour out to the hydraulic shop in the valley to get hoses made figuring I could at least get the DIngo going over the weekend. Place closes at noon on Saturdays, so I went early and got back about noon. Go to put the hoses in and one connector is wrong. Wrong diameter. Well screw. Not open Sunday. So I guess my Monday is shot. So is Rob's weekend. He had milling lined up and needed the Dingo and I needed it to start wood transport and brush yarding off a felling job. SO I set two of my guys up on a prune they can just stagge the material on, and head down to the valley again this morning. I get down there. Explain what happened. Hey, no problem, get you fixed up in a jiffy. So I get the new hose, compare the one end to my other that was wrong before and all looked great. WELLLLLLL it wasn't I should have checked both ends. Instead of a female on one end and a male on the other, I now have two male ends and one is the one that was the wrong size in the first place. Of course I found this out when I got back to my shop

SO I turn around and went back again. Next guy tries to get it right and nails it (with my close supervision

Finally get back to the shop at 3 PM. Put the damn machine back together. Won't fuggen start. Some body left the key on. Grrrrrrrrr. Jump start... NADA. Check murphy's etc... nada. Finally jiggle a solenoid and she kicks. This after about a hour of fuggen around with electrical crap, fuses and the like.
Well, at least the mini is back up and we can get back on our scheduled program tomorrow.
The last guy that helped me at the parts shop commented that my disposition was pretty good all things considered. I just smiled and told him we had to hurry because I was past the limits of what my medication would work on.
Good thing I vented before I did the last round robin