I had a fine day, yesterday.
We are having a heat wave here, much to the chagrin of all those Danes who bought vacations in sunny Tyrkey, in order to escape the shitty weather at home and ended up in a failed ( Unfortunately!) military coup.
So it is too hot to ride in the middle of the day and the horse flies are real bad.
( Mad dogs and Englishmen and all that)
So the mail order bride said she was going riding at sunup.
Fool that I am, I said to wake me up and I'd go along.
Sunup here is at 4 AM.
Now, here is some sage advice for all you unmarried men out there.
Beget thee a wife from a country where women are taught to respect their husbands.
I was woken up at 4.00 AM, to a cup of hot tea and a curried and saddled horse.
Had a lovely ride in the cool morning air in the forest together.
Now I only need to figure out how to make her wear a full chador and life will be good