How'd it go today?

He had boxes of saw carbs, a stack of new bars, even the used saws he had fitted new plastics polished them up!

He said he's got a bit of a problem when it comes to mechanical stuff.��

Well I'm kicking the summer off with a frigging cold. Been creeping up on me for days now and my wife's been sick. We've been on a roping rampage here and trailered out the last four days in a row. We've got another evening planned of it with a couple hours of driving involved but I may just have to surrender and stay home. I'll wait and see though, got a few hours still before I have to make the call on it. Man I hate getting sick.
That's a nice looking horse Stig.

First day out on the island to cut the regrowth...yes invasive casuarina.
I'm very pleased, given how bad it was two years ago, the regrowth is pretty minimal. A few stumps sprouted where I didn't get enough Garlon on them, and a few seedlings have popped up in crevices and overhangs.
Still it was HOT and humid, all my clothes soaked to the skin, legs punctured with prickly pear spines, but oh so beautiful. Longtails wheeling around, flying right up within two feet, magic.
Love my SRT for this job, tricky finding some tie in points as they cut down a lot of the bigger trees up on the top, have had to get creative. Most of the stuff I can get with the silky, so not a lot of call to lug the wee 150 up and down.

There are some researchers out there as well, they are studying our endangered endemic skink, they have bottle traps all over the place to catch them, then they are microchipping them, can you believe it! They had all these muslin bags hanging up on the wall in the old magazine in the fort, each with a pissed off skink in it waiting for their turn to be poked and prodded measured and microchipped.
The skinks are endangered from habitat loss and trash, mainly glass bottles. They go in to drink the dregs then can't get out because they have claws not sucker pads. Also there is some evidence of predation by introduced birds like the kiskadee.

I love this kind of work, its very rewarding. After I had cut out all the big stuff two years ago, the longtails came right in to prospect for nests, and the skinks apparently were having a party on all the new bare rock!

How about looking into some rock climbing gear for anchorage. A couple of chocks and a few cams would treat you right I think.
turned down another tree job today. Been getting 1-2 calls a day...not for bids, they just wanted me to do them..former customers and their neighbors/friends. I just tell them I'm retired and don't have the equipment anymore...don't want to interfere with my "work" at the golf course;)

I'm totally happy with my current schedule and have no desire to go back to doing trees as a job. Not that i wouldn't help out on something once in a while, just not into taking on jobs as a habit.

Battery is down on my old Ford...not sure but think it is just old: holds a charge for a day but not a week. Boss told me to go to Tractor Supply, get a new one, and turn the receipt over to him and he'd cover the cost as a bonus because of how happy they are with my work. I thought that was pretty decent of him.
Fairly decent day today, bunch of pines in tight quarters. Thank the gods for cranes lol. Was hoping to get further with the job but we got a lot done with an extremely green crew.
Good deal Dave! Sounds like a good guy.

We got more rain today. Had 400 acres left to seed of wheat. Plan Q is in effect.

I told el-wifeo that plan Q was in effect. She asked what the hell did that mean. I wasnt sure, but it sounded about right.
Ha! You better hope she doesn't shoot to kill. :Dsee what I did there. Lol.

You better finger out something mighty sweet, mighty quickly brother!
Are you still alive? Haha

Woke up to a strange surprise, a child support payment was made to me, just under $200! It's only been 9 years.

Pulled over some heavy leaning pines, great hinges and rigging, but none of the pics I took showed up in my phone. :(
Anyway, made a mess, got paid. Ironic it was for a guy who worked at one of the larger tree guys for 2 years. Leaning towards road and wires, only 8 of them between 20 and 40 ft, no biggie for the maasdam.
Ha, anniversaries! We BOTH forgot ours a few years ago, not last year though and went to the hot springs, caves and camping as far south as you can go in stop Antarctica.
Good luck with the make-up Jim!

No pictures so far this year on the cliffs, my mate forgot his camera...maybe next week.
I was thinking about some rock climbing stuff, I actually tied in a second system on on pitch that was vertical, both ropes were anchored around the old ramparts one SRT, and on the other shorter one I hooked on my really long lanyard DdRT. Made for a more comfortable feeling. Scrambling around cutting things right in front of your face then having to douse it in chemical...and waving at the tourists coming by to gawk in rental boats.
I looked with half an eye for spots for cams, but nothing really suitable, any holes deep enough are in the really soft stuff they would pop out in a second.

The America's Cup (sailing) is going to be in Bermuda next year. There are three team already set up here full-time. Today at Dockyard they had what they called 'Foil Fest' a whole day of open house to see the training areas, look at the boats up close, meet the sailors, and then they did some full out up on the hydrofoils drag racing. WOW! imagine an airplane wing set vertical on a 45' carbon fibre catamaran that is also a hydrofoil...flipping AMAZING. Knife edge precision top speed off the HOOK sailing!

Been a fun week.
I'm just home from mid Germany.
Finally managed to keep my temper long enough to pass the climbing test for the ISA/ETW certification.
The Germans are way more professional in their approach than the Danes, so there was nothing to get mad about.
It was quite a peasant weekend, in fact.
Richard passed his as well, so now we can plaster our trucks over with ETW stickers:D