How'd it go today?

and a dish of pickled beets in balsamic vinegar....

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.............Yoy just gave me an idea for dinner, FI.
Wife loves Balsamico, so that should go over well.

This weekend was some sort of religious holiday here.
Don't know what it was about, but monday was a day off. Stores closed, country in hibernation.
Amazing how one guy nailed to a piece of wood can affect the world so many years later. Weird!

So I took out a logging chain, put one end around my self, the other around the wood splitter , put a lock on it and tossed the key away.

Been hanging over the wood splitter for 3 days...................................... I'm beat.

Usually I use my trusty old maul, but the wood I got this year was tops of mature nbeech trees.
Cut to 20" and full of knots. Forget about the maul.
I just had lamb with balsamic vinegar, garlic and rosemary.

Did a half dead silver poplar today, never done one of them before. Neighbor poisoned it because it was leaning over his fence, didn't seem to worried about his very large Liquid Amber hanging over her house and garage though.

Back corner of her yard and he walked up behind me as I was cutting some suckers off to advise on how to do it. That went well, didn't see him again.
Then the manager asked me to stop in at the end of the day, gave me the ends of four gourmet cheeses, two pates, a homemade loaf and a dish of pickled beets in balsamic vinegar...that was dinner for this evening.
Keep an eye out for this balsamic vinegar. I buy it at the local grocery store. They keep and other more expensive vinegars locked up in a display case.
This little bottle is about $30 but the others go upwards of $350.
You'll never go back to regular.:)


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This food is off the hook! Like you say though can't eat too it comes home for dinner too. Haven't had to buy groceries for a bit.
Very unusual, but I'm enjoying it while it lasts :)

Mundane work tomorrow, a whole line of hibiscus hedges to prune down to half height. It has to be done properly, has been needing to be done for a while, so I'm calling on my horticultural landscaper skills from my early years. Quite looking forward to it actually, weather's going to be iffy, shoulder needs a rest, all secateur work.
You taught me a new word...thank you!

Pruning shears, also called hand pruners (in American English), or secateurs, are a type of scissors for use on plants.
Always a pleasure to contribute to the broadening of language :)

Secateurs, otherwise known as Felco #2 !
Fi, great job. Wow, great contract. good for you. Top shelf.

Some serious wood Stephen.

I drove 3 hours round trip to end weight a pine tree out of season, generally around here you want pines in Winter.
This thing was showing all kinds of body language for the big twist over.
We busted 200 lbs off each branch end over the mobile home and called it a day.

ez pz.

I spaced a bid, no call no show. Went to call the next day (today) and my number has been blocked from their's. Yikes.
Probably my 4th in my life......Fart sticks.
Well you've got their address. Drop off a note and a little something if you get a chance. Orrrr not, and just endeavour not to do that again.
Video is up.

This White Pine put up one hell of a fight against the bugs. Pumped a lot of sap.

Beautiful day up here!

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Wraps up with the Treehouse debut of the 550XP. Angry little saw!
Saw looked to do a good job. Nice straight-forward work.

At first on the limbing the saw almost seemed dull. But did not look to be at all dull in the topping and chunking shots.
I would have been quite concerned to be up there on that top with the bark all loose and the whole thing very dead, is it a judgement call to climb those beetle kill pines?

Wrap your thumb...
Thanks Berms,

When I was about 14 I was driving an old dodge without power steering down a deep two-track full of roots creeping in from the sides. No one had told me to keep my thumbs out of the circle, and once I hit the right combination of roots, that steering wheel almost broke both my hands. I've been leery of thumb wrapping ever since. ;)
Same here . As a 10 year old driving my Dad's 1949 Ford pickup through a rutty field, that big old steering wheel black and blued my thumbs pretty darn good......never forgot that:D
My memory was refreshed 20 years ago when I was hauling birch firewood out of the bush with my 1965 Mercury M800 (3 ton dump). Big old arm strong steering wheel did a few check lashes after running over a stump.:D
Mighty crispy white pine. Do you have a lot of experience climbing dead ones so you can gauge when they are too dead to safely climb?
I got myself into a controversial looking transaction of receiving cash a half hour ago.

I was at my kids school math fair and my cell phone rings. A woman homeowner in her early 30's has been after me lately to remove her stumps but she only could pay it in small installments.
I talked to her earlier this morning and told her if she came up with the total ammount I will do her stumps first thing in the morning.
Well while I'm at the school she calls saying she had the cash and wants to drop it off right away
So I met her in the cafeteria and she counts out in my hands a wad of $50 bills. She has tattoos up both arms, wild blond hair ............and the girl at the cafeteria counter is looking at us wide eyed .:lol:
No thumbs in steering wheels, thumbs around chainsaw handles...learned both of those at Agricultural College

Send some of that jerky to Stig...he's our vegetarian expert.

that hibiscus hedge I cut today musta had bugs or something left eyelid is all puffed up, and I kept sneezing while I was cutting it.
Last time I pruned a hedge other then for myself was 10 years ago. I leave it for the summer students when their on their green program.
We have Juniper here that will make you scratchy and sneezey :D
Hey, they're paying me the same whether it's a hedge or a tree...besides I wouldn't trust the gardener to do a proper job, and I have all these awesome dormant landscaping skills just waiting to be used again.