California Hillbilly
Stephen, I know that feeling all too well.
Only way to deal with it is to congratulate yourself on a teaching job done well and hope for his succes.
Kind of what I am coming into. I figure he will be branching out soon. His only weak spot is business sense. But his wife has a good background. He is a good salesman. Likes to bid em high. He likes felling more than climbing. He will probably do well.
Today I had the trainee go gaff less up a pine to trim out some dead. Brushy little thing. Made him save as much green as possible not making the ladder up climb too easy, Let him use a hybrid devise so he could mix it up a bit. Ddrt-SRT-Ddrt.
He did good. I have had him up a couple of small removals. He is still working on his gunning. Face cuts are a tad off of line. Easily fixed with some more ground felling. I have a small job coming up that Jason (who recently joined the forum btw

He will hopefully come over this weekend and do some climbing with me. More schooling here at home helps. He is good on rope and quick with knots. Worked oil rigs and was an underwater welder/diver on them. Good mind. Quick. He should do great.