How'd it go today?

Those are cool machines, very heavy duty the ones I've seen.
Been dealing with crap like this getting put in the mill for over a month. Nobody around here or on our logging crew knows how to run a chain saw and clean up a log apparently. Stuff like this destroys equipment. I havent been this ill in a while.


The first log caused this one below to nearly fall out the side of the building. Im about ready to go solo for a while.


Can you explain to us laymen what you are talking about Denver?

Are the stubs messing things up? On the machine that takes the bark off?

Well, I know youse guys are waiting patiently on my next mustard update, so here it is.

Got two more jars of mustard from Amazon today. On jar of Nathan's Coney Island mustard, and a jar of spicy mustard from France!, Firemans mustard they call it. The French mustard came in a little ceramic crock. Damn thing was cracked, and leaking. Gonna need a replacement.
When I was logging, we practically had to mill the damn log in the woods, had to buzz off every hump, bump, and stub.
Yep pretty much the stubs. Small stuff is no big deal, but big stuff is a pain. Logs do a lot of rolling until they are milled. Those big stubs are just like huge wedges that throw on the brakes. And never fails they will pivot on a stub and fall down in between chains and conveyers. I should be used to it by now lol.. Just wait in time everyone will be wondering what the hell kinda sawmill/business is this guy running

I tell people that just because it's a log, doesn't mean it's a saw log. I don't think I have a pic of the maple logs I did a couple of weeks ago, but they had two foot stubs on them. That's OK, they can pay me $100 per hour to trim them, and they did, happily.
Well, I can be a bit of a reactionary, and any time someone threatens me with .....
At my core, I am an asshole. If you ask me nicely, I will give you the shirt off my back. If you threaten me, I tend to hunch up and and get pissed.

I think you mean, "pissed off" (according to Mick anyway.)
Ha ha!
Anyway my back is playing up still, so tomorrow it's three small jobs where I can just watch the other two.
I went and looked at a large overgrown hedge this afternoon maybe 140 Meters long 50 ft high to reduce by a half.
The sort of job where when you pull up you think "bloody nightmare, do not want" so it's pissing down (better late than never) as we walk around and I see how close they are to each other (easier traverse from one to the next) they've never been topped before (single stem one cut per tree nearly, plus less cutting to get through the chipper) the guy's a space invader, I kept moving away but he follows me, hate that! So I think I could knock this off in 2 /3 days max.
I throw a price of €3200 at him and he bites my hand off!
Cheered me up a bit.
You bloody limeys...

Lol space invader, I like the term but hate them for sure. I can't think when they are right there. One good way Ive been battling them is to make some notes then email the quote later after Ive had time to think.

He bit your hand off....since that cheered you up a bit, I guess you mean he eagerly accepted your estimate?
I arrived in LA this morning, minus one suitcase, was given a nice crisp 50 dollar bill for my pain, and told if I need to buy anything in the meantime, like pj's or toothpaste, send the receipt s in for reimbursement... Got a phone call this evening, to say they tracked it down,it got left in Sydney! Virgin Australia gets top marks for managing the situation!
Arrived at my brother's house to find a nice TreeStuff box...little nephew fingers had been at it but it was still intact, had to open it right away and show them all the bits inside, gave them the stickers then has a game of tug a war with the 8 yr old with my lanyard... He still can' t pull me o er and gave himself a blister,retired to the sand box to play battle scenes with plastic soldiers and old dinky :)
Thanks all!

No video's yet Gary, I'll have to try to convince my GF to record one, but she has a short attention span. ;)

Mick, thanks, I hope it continues to make some coin. I'm flogging it to everyone who will listen. I'm two steps away from going door-to-door. Unfortunately in Norfolk County where my GF lives there is somewhat of an issue with tree guys soliciting work from HO's, the papers suggest calling the police if it happens.