How'd it go today?

Took the day off, since we don't have anything lined up till after easter when we start logging again. ( Willard, you don't have to tell me we are not REALLY logging. I get that. We are just peacefully felling one hardwood tree after the other, and never hurrying at all)
So me and the mail order bride went to Sweden to do some shopping for stuff that we can't get here.
Malmø, to be exact.
It was an OK day, as OK as a day shopping with the wife can be.
Would have been more fun if she hadn't been with me, then I would have worn a yarmulke and seen if anything bit on that lure.
I never saw having to go to parent teacher meetings for some reason. Its like the final nail in the coffin of youthfulness. You get a letter in the mail, its says you are not cool anymore, you have to go listen to some teacher talk about your kid...

It is weird that they make you sit in the tiny little chairs. Hard to have an adult conversation with a teacher when your knees are smacking you in the chin.

Omg that was funny. I think you could either do some stand up or maybe right a book of short stories, you have talent.
Took the day off, since we don't have anything lined up till after easter when we start logging again. ( Willard, you don't have to tell me we are not REALLY logging. I get that. We are just peacefully felling one hardwood tree after the other, and never hurrying at all)
So me and the mail order bride went to Sweden to do some shopping for stuff that we can't get here.
Malmø, to be exact.
It was an OK day, as OK as a day shopping with the wife can be.
Would have been more fun if she hadn't been with me, then I would have worn a yarmulke and seen if anything bit on that lure.

Cattle decapitations in Malmø?
Cattle decapitations in Malmø?

Nope, the place is so overrun with muslims that jews can't walk the streets in peace.
Me and some of the guys in my dojo talked about how much fun it would be to go to Malmø for a weekend, don Yarmulkes and walk the streets trying to look meek.

I have a major problem with looking meek, but the rest of it would be great.
Trimmed a walnut today, and cut down 2 small pines. Also picked up a contract cutting job for next week. Just flopping the trees in a fence row. But it's quick and easy money. Guy claims he has more work after that. So maybe I'll have a profitable summer.
Another visit to the bone cruncher today, I think he's got it this time.
A few days rest should see me back at work for Tuesday.

I set Quint to preparing the new trailer for chip.
Looks ok.


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Ha ha ha. Call of shame. That's alright. I got stuck on a big snow pile a few years back plowing and had to shout out on the radio. Well while I was waiting I got propositioned by a prostitute. Nice girl as when I told her I wasn't interested in hiring her for her usual 'services' she said I could hire her to help dig myself out. Lmao.
Mick, do you get massage work. Built up muscle tension might be fighting that re-alignment . We all have residual tension. Massage helps to reset the tension level.

I've been meaning to get in to mine.
No Sean, I haven't had a problem for a couple of years, when it goes wrong I try and get it fixed, on this occasion I was trying to lift a too heavy branch to put in my new chipper, like a dumbass.
I'm a 52 year old man, 6ft tall with bad posture who lifts a lot of stuff.
It's going to happen from time to time.