How'd it go today?

Sounds like a lot of lumber to me. That's good news Stig.
Had a decent day. Started off agitating bit smoothed out. On my way home I got side tracked by another tree service. The owners son caught me at a light and yelled that his dad wanted to talk to me. I stopped at his shop to hear him out. Same stuff. Throwing hourly rates and trying to get me on his payroll. He's getting close on the deal except for one thing. He owns the company. He's the most arrogant person I've ever met. Two crews rolled in and I decided I had to leave. The elevator operator was sizing me up as soon as he pulled in. It makes his guys nervous when they see me at the shop.
Loaded up the mini to pick up some pine logs from a storm damage tomorrow after work. I just keep saying to myself " it'll slow down at the end of the month" , but I'm not sure.

It was a beautiful day
Nailed it Gary. The real reason I even stop by there is more of an intelligence gathering mission. I try to keep tabs on the competition. His boy and I get along rather well also.
We managed to assemble the damned thing without getting cross with each other ( Putting a poiece of IKEA furniture together is the litmus test of marriages IMO).

This just made me :lol:

Congrats on the contract Stig.
Had I known you were in dire straights, I had a call come in for 400 ponderosa in a camp that needed down by the end of May. I'm booked into June. Next time, I'm giving them your number ... Of course they have to buy the air fare. ;)
Gone a bit quiet on the work front, but picked up a decent job today.
Then rotavating the veggie patches. Saw the first swallow of the year today, Spring is coming.


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August, that was funny re 'team!'

Rich, keeping your friends close and enemies closer, ha!
Looks like some pretty rocky soil, Mick.
I have spread the horse manure, but will wait about a month before I rototill.
Spring is nowhere near here.
Yeah I looked at that picture and its deceptive, that's just the setting sun catching some unbroken and dried clods of soil, it's loamy and fertile, especially with the rotted manure and wood chip that's been added over the years.
you guys crack me up with the team stuff.

Stig, glad to hear about the successful assembling, my wife and I pride ourselves with our ability to pass those type of marriage challenges. When we were dating we put up a fairly large tent, that we had never seen before, with no instructions, in the dark. That is how awesome we are.

We went to look at a house today, we were not looking for one but our friend is selling his place and its fantastic. So we're moving, just not sure when. He didn't put it on the market yet, looks like he won't have to. We just have to work out the details with him and get our current house sold. I'm conflicted about it as I did some chores this afternoon and looked around here and thought about all I've done here over the last 3 years. The new place is even better, but its still gonna be really tough leaving. He's really flexible on time frame, so there's lots of options. We'll see how it all plays out.
The boys and I did a couple dead wooding on a couple blue spruce, trimmed a cherry tree, and removed some bushes for the neighbor, she is putting in a daycare so we also built a 600 sq ft fenced area for the out door play stuff. Been a while since dig that many post holes
Glad you got some logging sorts out Stig. I have been only working part time here waiting for everything to dry up so I can get back in the woods.
I think I have a few days thinning outa couple of pheasant pens next week, but after walking down the top of the woodland with the forwader driver, we know it's going to be a while yet before he can open the main block up. There is still a couple of hundred tonnes down from September . Wettest winter here for 20years
I don't think my hands blister anymore lol. I never really wear gloves, and I'm always splitting wood or climbing my trees to practice techniques. Post hole diggers definitely use different muscles though. I'll try to get some pics of what we built though, kinda impressed with it myself. Everything is straight and level.
Cool Nic! I'll be watching for em.
When I gives a post hole digger I get blisters right near the middle of my palm sort of at the base of the big thumb muscle in my hand.
I'm a glove guy when climbing because they save me from tons of smaller injuries that gloves eliminate. I used to never wear gloves for years. I couldn't even hug my wife without my hands snagging up on her fine clothing.