Friday I went to the big estate where I do a lot of work, dead radiata pine next to the drive, just have to cut the limbs off over the drive, the rest leans into a paddock and can stay where it is for the moment...must be about 3' dbh...well it was windy, and my throwline was going everywhere, got a 10oz bag stuck...couldn't get the line down the back of the tree even with two bags, throwline is too old, all the slick has worn off. Went to town and spent money instead.
Today ordered new throwline with my Wesspur coupon...$36 instead of over $90AUD for the same length/brand !
Helped my friend cut down these trees for a freebie for the local church, they were leaning towards it, historical monument, first time in his cherry picker, with the two of us and gear we must have been pretty close to weight limit, he's like 130kg, I'm 50kg, add a 660 and a 200t and the odd catch and throw...eeek! He's got a loader, a big tipper, the cherry picker and is an ex-logger now famous chainsaw carver, handy guy to know

Last pic is the church from across the road, half dead sycamore we cut down the next day, picked up the job while doing the church trees.