How'd it go today?

HO wanted it all fire wood size
Logs would have destroyed the plant life in the creek area and then we would have had to buck them on horrible terrain with rocks to avoid. See Creek pic. That area separates his house from the park a nd provides a privacy screen. No logs or wood or equipment could be on the park side. NONE. County would only let us access the tree and allowed for the zip line.
Big tree for such a nasty spot to work in.
There is almost nothing that makes me feel more like a pro, than running a well working zipline.

We have a kid working with us on trial for becoming an apprentice this week.
Trial was over at lunch yesterday when he lit up a cigarette.
That sure snuffed that logging career in the bud.
Seems a bit harsh, did you warn him about this particular banana skin?

Anyway it snuffed out that logging career with you, nothing stopping him getting a job with someone else.
I don't work with smokers if I can avoid it.
They smell up the crummy and the frequent smoke breaks are a nuisance.
Since I am in charge of who gets hired, that is easily taken care of.

I'm running a logging/arbo outfit, not a drug rehabilitation center. Tried that with one apprentice. We told him he could have the job if he gave up the ciggies.
Sure thing.
But everytime life was a bit hard on him, he'd start again and since you really can't fire people for smoking, we'd go through the same palaver over and over with him promising to quit.
Not going down that road again.
Smoking is disgusting. I've had dudes that smoke and it'll scum up a truck fast. Also more and more a lot of clients don't like it. I've had people specifically ask that no one smokes on their property.
I never had a problem working and smoking @ the same time.


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I worked with a guy like you. Robbie, RIP brother. He'd hook beads all day with a butt hanging from his lips, never slowed him down any. But it did end up taking his life, much to early.

Most guys though seem to need a smoke 'break'. Like Stig, I'm not to cool with that.
Not just need a smoke break, but taking it for granted and having no qualms standing and smoking while the rest of the crew works.
Worst case I remember was working on an x-mas tree netting crew.
We were 3 guys and one was a heavy smoker.
So every so often he needed a smoke, but since he hand rolled, we had to wait for him to dry his hands on the tractor exhaust so he could roll one up.
Repeat that some 15 times a day.
Not fun when you are working on a paid by the number of trees netted, basis.

You cannot smoke indoors at any work place here anymore.
So the smokers congregate outside the entrance.
Those places where they use time stamps, they have to stamp out for smoke breaks and then in again when they go inside.

Nobody really wanrts to pay somebody to hang around and smoke, me included.
And if you can't work and not smoke, I don't want you.

I don't like having the smoke even wafting around me. A buddy of mine worked at a big corporate bank...he was an international banker type.

Back in the 80's some of the bankers were smoking at the big meetings. He got tired of it...found the foulest incense he could find and would light it up whenever they lit up their Pall Malls or Marlboros. Wasn't long before the meetings were deemed "no smoking" meeting.

Hoorah for Mike!
Stephen, hella tree and pics getting chunked down with the 66.

Smokers are a complete joke, lame as fuh. No smokers in my company. Most people that smoke are utterly useless. I can think of one exception, guy who cuts the grass where I park my trucks, nice guy but skinny like a crack head, always a cig in his mouth and he always is moving like he is in a hurry to get work done. More power to him. Smokers suck. Lol.
Seems everyone smokes around me. Really tears me up with my asthma and all. I tell them they have to pretty much be 100 feet away when they are lit.
I hate to be this way as an ex-smoker. I feel like an ass hole and Rob pretty much thinks I am being one. I am watching him die a slow death. His incessant smokers cough over the head sets gets old. The stench when he climbs in the truck smelling of a wet dirty ash tray.
The guys work and smoke at the same time. I would prefer to give them breaks at 10, 12 and 2. Just like in a factory. Smoke in a designated zone away from me, have a tenner break and them balls to the walls boys.
Hate that nasty habit. Most are considerate of my breathing issues. Some, not so much.
I should have taken pictures of the creek area. Full of rounds now. He is hiring some cheap labor to bust the rounds and carry them out. Good luck with that. I am just waiting to hear from the county guys now say all is cleaned up to their liking. If they try and stick me with some other contractors debris.. I have pics to back me up. It was nice to have some one else do a tree like that for a change. My shoulder was acting up this week. I mostly worked the ropes and set up and break down. Took down a 65-70 footer with a broke out top while he was chunking yesterday. Crispy as hell. But it was far from the hard work Mike was putting out chunking.
Grandpa used to say "never hire a man that smokes or wears a straw hat. If he is not rolling a cigarette he is chasing that damn hat!"

I would rather hire a person that smokes than chews sunflower seeds. Amazing how hard it is to spit the damn shells out the window, it seems.
Got this sticker right on my helmet. Helps to remind everyone and myself.

Jay: Can you believe these ladies whining about smoking? I don't even SMOKE, and I still want to chide you guys!! Our grandfathers would roll over in their graves! Man, you guys are a bunch of wusses. Holy smoke! Anyone would think it was a couple of girls whining on this site. Gotta die of something you little Darlings! UHHHHgh!!! I was in a good mood before I had to deal with all of you little pansies. :X

Anyway.... Did some building clearance on this pig today.... Not that any of you ladies would give a rip..."Oh, Dear... That horrible man just terrifies me. He could fall out of the tree!"

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Jay: Makes perfect sense about the homeowner wanting firewood. I HATE cutting up firewood rounds after I've smashed all of the logs into the dirt. (You, of course, are quite exempted from this rant on account of your breathing issues.) The rest of you guys need to grow up.