I don't always climb with spurs SRT, when I do, I do what you do. Happens today I found some aluminum plate in the shop and I was in Bolt and Nut, got some longer screws for the gaff, and figured what the hell, why not.
5-10 minutes, today, shooting for 15-20'. When you get good at that, go a bit higher. Technique. Like free-throws. Sure, if you get an hour, go for it.
Work at home, so it you get it stuck, you can leave it until you have time to get it down.
Pool tiki bar! Was it a porno set?
Oooohhh...pretty kayak!!!
I once had the great fortune to be coached by Nigel Matthews, one of four Brits who paddled around Cape Horn, this was a good few years ago!
My present kayak is sitting in the shed, only place to paddle nowadays is on the river here, I need some wheels for the back end so I can trundle it down the street to the river, the days of carrying it on my shoulder are over.
Where do you put your legs???
Speller...that kayak is exquisite! I can't imaging getting rid of something so sleek. I've never seen one quite like that.
I went 5 hours yesterday...