Hi, guys:
I don't know if amateurs are legal in this thread, but I had two "firsts" yesterday while deadwooding a maple next to my driveway: first recrotch aloft and first productive limbwalk.
This little photo essay will likely seem like TOTAL child's play to you guys, but I hope you can remember the sense of accomplishment you felt the first time you solved a problem in a tree!
It was an awesome time, but not very efficient, so I'd love any thoughts you have on ways to improve.
No pix of the 84 rope tosses to get the higher crotch, but here I am, sneaking up on my quarry!

I know I got even with my TIP here, but I did have the lanyard on the limb that appears knee-high but was actually at chest level.
I sawed a good hunk off the bottom, but the piece then tilted upwards with the change in balance. (You can see the cut end to the right below.)
At this point, I am a short guy, desperately wishing for more wingspan...
Slowly making progress...
Got that top piece off, but the main branch remained snagged higher up, so I had to go back to the trunk and climb higher.
When I was first Monday-morning-quarterbacking this, I thought I just should have gone up there in the first place, but the fork on the snagged piece was so deep, I don't think I could have rolled it off without cutting it first...?
Getting bucked in to do the ol' "stand and chuck."
Sayonara! (My expression seems to indicate some displeasure with this branch.)
Still connected x 2 but getting into position to descend.
Ugh! Line needs to be rerouted to run better...
Monkey time!
Whipped old man time!
Thanks for taking a look. And thanks for all the advice and encouragement!