Sooooooooo ......
I fixed my truck that was fixed today.. Did some maintenance. Changed oils etc. Had an emergency split tree I went and guyed up this am.
Story behind my white F250
2nd tranny implodes in a month ... The F 350 had just got it's done.
I was pulling the dingo out of a back yard (engine blew on dingo) and blew the tranny on the F250.
So I have it towed to the shop that took care of the 350 tranny .....
I am told it was going to be more expensive for the 250 because of the type of transmission it is being HD and 4wd. Ok ... sooooo
I ask, since I have to put 1/2 deposit... probably not more than 2k? Ohhhhh he says.. it should not be more than that...
So I put a grand down and wait..... and wait...... and wait..... week goes by and he finally pulls the tranny. I figure, hey... ya know I kind of dumped this in his lap... only took a week after the last tranny pulled, no problem. And I wait and wait and wait.
Month goes by. I am told about the horrors of my tranny failure and made promises to.. I decide to make a couple uprades for a couple hundred more. It should be tomorrow and several tomorrows later I am harassing the guy that still has my newly rebuilt tranny in the back of his PU. Now I am feeling I might be having a relapse of anger issues.
I need my friggen truck.. I need to put a large chipper on the road and I need that truck to pull it.
Finally I get a phone call at work from his secretary... not the mechanic. 2800+ clams. Are fuggen kidding me?????!!!!!!!
He holds my repair up in the fuggen bermuda triangle he calls a shop for a month while taking in quick money in front of me and adds almost 1000 on the bill???? WTF?
Looking at the figures, he is basically charging me 1100 for a tranny exchange on top of the rebuild... 11 hours??? You fuggen kidding me.
So... we meet 1/2 way... I need the fuggen truck back.
SO I am told the transfer case was low on fluid as I am picking it up ... I remind him he topped it off prior to the tranny issue and got the truck right back. It must have a leak... Well he could not find the leak... Oooooooook then. We are in the store parking lot after picking it up and guess what we see??????
Dripping fluid... well hello there leak no one can find...... RIght out the out put shaft seal on the case... well geee. that was hard to find !
So I order a seal... figure I'll handle this Saturday(today). I crawl under the truck at the shop just to look a little closer at my situation as the transfer case really needs rebuilt or replaced. I figure replacement is my best bet.
They brazed the pipes for a hot air return to the engine on the CAT all fuggerd up. WTF. Not even totally done, holes not sealed. The dudes dad told me they had found this problem when they were under the truck that the pipes had broke. Bull shit. They removed the exhaust system to drop the tranny, cut the pipes and screwed up the repairing of the cut pipes.
I do the seal today, told the case takes 5 quarts of fluid. I drained it and could only get 3 in .... Seriously????
SO when I am picking up the new seal at the parts store... dip shit walks in all smiles... tries to kibbitz with me, all smiles... I tell him sternly about finding his mysterious leak... Ohhhhhh he'll take me right over to the shop right now and make it right.. I have the only seal in town for this, and he is assuring me he'll be able to fix this right now? Seriously??? Not that he knows this. I am ready to come un hitched. The last person that really needed to say a word to me is now right in front of me hitting me with more smoke up my arse. i DON'T EVEN GET INTO THE FUGGED UP BRAZING. Then he starts on how we should probably replace the bearing as well as that might be bad.. I look him straight in the eyes and ask... Are you so sure we should replace a bearing in an already messed up transfer case that I am replacing in the VERY near future??
I watched as is light bulb finally started emitting a dim glue.. "probably not".
Then I get real stern.. Bud.. You are NOT going to make this right. I will be more than happy to work on my Saturday (like you could have) off to make this right for my self as needs done so this truck gets to work on Monday. I can have this seal in the case in less than two hours including having to run for any other parts I might find buggered up (yes folks, had to replace some stripped out bolts on the u-joint thanks to his crew).
I took my parts and left. He tried 3X to talk me back to his shop and he was very lucky I don't want to go to jail.
Truck is fixed. Bugger off.
If I had known the tranny was going to cost this much with a couple of 100.00 up grades (if they were even done) I would have bought one on line and had it free delivery for less than 2000.00 and had it installed in a day or two myself.
Sorry... had to vent.
More tree work rolled in today...
Bills are all caught up...
Transfer case should be affordable in a week or two.. He quoted me 1500.00 with labor. I can buy one out the door for about 800.00. I wonder if he realises I have about 350 clients in my data base I see once in a while