How'd it go today?

They sure do. I know someone who regularly emails in binary, he opened an email one day, all in binary. Ran it through an online translator, came out in Morse. True story.
The local foundation savers did a couple of parade laps around our block today and then blocked off the street and had practice for a few hours with smoke bombs in the house they will tear down. I was surprised to see we have 7 trucks.

Nice they shut down the road to play, er train...:|:
Crispy poplars no less.

Grade work on the dozer all day. Felt good and looked nice.

Watching House of Cards and freaking loving it!

cheers guys
Got to the job yesterday, supposed to just be a trim and chip, turned out to be a nightmare from hell. Homeowner had decided to not inform me that we would be dragging the brush over a hundred yards up hill, then about an hour in my helper got the call that his brother was found dead in his house, so drove an hour and half back. Then went back today to finish the job, and the homeowner added 3 more trees (2 big trims and a removal) finally got all done and he wants me to come back in the fall and spring for more work. So all in all I ended up with 6 hours of driving, and only 4 hours of working. I sure hope this year gets better
hmmm...a little more investigation beforehand might have been to your benefit.

Bet you remember to ask how close you can get the chipper to the tree next time you take on a job sight unseen.;)

Live & Learn...
Trenched over to the well with the backhoe so we could bury the electric. Hopefully we get her pumping tomorrow.

Sucks now that I have to bury a fourth wire in the trench. I am burying a 2,2,4 tri plex but now you have to install a fourth wire for the ground. Of course, the meter panel has the common and ground busses bonded so the panel at the well 200 feet away is considered a sub panel. So after installing a No. 6 soft drawn copped to two ground rods you still have to run the fourth wire.
The panel at the well will not be bonded as it is considered a sub panel, but has a bare copper to a ground rod, a common buss, and a ground wire! I had to install ground lugs as this panel did not have a ground buss.

Alotta dang work to stay legal and water some cows!

I went to the ambulance squad meeting tonight. Up here the fire and ambulance crews are separate, they do that a lot in rural areas in Montana.

I got my licence back from the State and says I am now an EMR. I took the licence to the meeting and they voted me on the squad as a probationary member.

I am pretty excited that I get to start going on medical and trauma calls!
Trenched over to the well with the backhoe so we could bury the electric. Hopefully we get her pumping tomorrow.

Sucks now that I have to bury a fourth wire in the trench. I am burying a 2,2,4 tri plex but now you have to install a fourth wire for the ground. Of course, the meter panel has the common and ground busses bonded so the panel at the well 200 feet away is considered a sub panel. So after installing a No. 6 soft drawn copped to two ground rods you still have to run the fourth wire.
The panel at the well will not be bonded as it is considered a sub panel, but has a bare copper to a ground rod, a common buss, and a ground wire! I had to install ground lugs as this panel did not have a ground buss.

Alotta dang work to stay legal and water some cows!
The fourth wire and the driven grounds in reality are pretty useless Jim. Some counties/towns require it, some don't here. The power company only installs one neutral, why should the customer have to install two? In most soil, you're just as well to stick a toothpick in the ground as an eight foot ground rod. I've driven and tested miles of ground rods through the years and if you don't get down at least 30 or 40' here you're wasting your time and money.
Sitting here nice and quiet last night, 9.30pm and there's a crunch noise out front. It's a quiet street.

Some guy came up the road and crashed head on into a 4x4 Toyota parked in front of the house opposite me. Fire brigade came, no ambulance. Cops took him, so drunk as a skunk I'd say. Nice looking little car but it sure is crushed up. Tow trucks came and went, just came back now tonight and took it.
:lol: not a window for a 1/4 mile except my trailer which is in the field. I hope more for not breaking any machinery.;)
Reduced a bunch of shade today. Stretched the job a little. Felling some stuff I was going to climb worked out fine. Did a little gravy for them. Off to the Preschool. Reduced more shade today. Looking for a little rain. I have a good sized pile of brush ready to burn.

I almost started a muffler on dry brush fire today, mincing a bunch of limbs in the woods to shrink down piles that I'll just leave, which are farther from the facilities. The hose reached. Soaked the piles down, minced, piles shrunk by half, ready for more on top.