He's French, it won't take long to build back up! (Only joking Marc Antoine)
It got up into the low 40's today. Spent most of it scraping the farmyard and my driveway today. We had a fresh 5" of snow, but I was also getting about 6" of hard pack peeling up. It's ice underneath, so it was tough going.[ Next year I'm going to try and get a set of tire chains. ]Then it probably won't snow.I've only got about two days of pine slabs left, so I switched to burning some ash logs that I had. I've got a bunch of hedgerow trees that I want to get down and cleaned up this winter/spring, so I'll probably be burning hardwood for the rest of the year. It was nice to be outside and not freezing. Yesterday I drove my tractor a couple of miles up the road to help a friend try and open up a stream crossing for a thinning job he is on. I hooked my winch to the back of his tractor and he drove in. Broke through about 8" of ice. He finally made it to the other side, unhooked, turned around and hooked to the front. He made it back out, but I had to pull a couple of times. I haven't heard yet if he plans on trying it with his Metavic trailer, or if he is going to skip this job this winter. The beavers have backed the stream up, and it's causing a lot of trouble. It was high teens yesterday, but with high winds. I was an ice cube by the time I got home.