How'd it go today?

Japan must make good money off the booze tax. America makes great money off of the fines and punishment costs.

Uncle Sam always gets his. Always.
I'm not sure on the tax aspect, Chris. With cigs it's high. With all their loose money and large expense accounts and access to the high class clubs, the law makers are no doubt some of the biggest drinkers, so they may be minimising the tax. The public won't complain if there is minimal tax on booze, but they will shout and cry out after the people in charge give themselves another pay raise.
They don't want to throw you in jail around here anymore. Oh no no. They want to put you on "drug court". Daily program through the courts for a few years in lieu of jail time. This program costs you a fortune. There's two sides to this coin. Jail isn't the answer for many folks that break the law due to drugs or alcohol, IMO. Rehabilitation and leading the offender to understand the damage their using causes, goes farther then empty time in a cell. On the flip side of the coin, our judges are raking in loads of money for the county with this program.
What system? As far as I can see it people who are wasters on drugs or drink don't pay tax and cost the taxpayer money.
I would have thought that keeping that cost to a minimum is the objective. (Without abandoning them of course)
It's a long edit because Jerry has such great content that I find it impossible to not draw from his content as the interview progresses.
Don't know how long it will take, hopefully be done sometime in January.
On day 4 of this years flu. Oh my f..... I've never seen the likes of this. If I was elderly, I'd have been big time nervous. My friends, it'll hit you almost at once, and when it does, get right on the phone with your doctor if you are into that sort of thing. I spent almost 72 hours curled up between my bed and shower before calling the doctor because I was so whacked out and confused. My wife actually just went over my head and took the reigns.

Point is, get a jump on things ASAP with some tamiflu if you can. This years flu was downright scary.
My dad does 1 shot of his home-made every morning and night and I've never even seen him have so much as a cold my whole life. He swears it's medicinal
Don't trust the previous generation to be honest about when they are sick. A lot of them just trudge on without saying a word. Maybe sneak an aspirin. A tough gang.
Ur right that's just my observation. 64 still working 10hrs 6x week. Hardly speaks English I wonder if he knows what aspirin is. my mom tries to make him take vitamins and he literally growls at her lol