It was a good thing to do on older saws, today it is not necessary as the elastic rubber thingy takes out the force of the rebound.
Chris, I just bought a 461 last week.
For fun!
First time I've ever bought a saw just for the hell of it.
Stihl was not going to market it in Scandinavia, which made me complain vehemently!!
Then my dealer called me and told that he'd ordered a large quantity of 441s ( Third largest dealer in the country) and they were backordered.
So Stihl offered to let him have a bunch of 461s instead.
Since I'd complained, he thought maybe I wanted one.
Conferred with Richard and got one for the hell of it.
Havent started it yet, or even put a bar and chain on it, but we have some beech logging after new year that is the PERFECT size for it, so I'll give a report on the performance then.
I just landed in Schweiz after 19 bad hours on the German autobahn.
As I was going over one of the longest bridges in Europe, all hell broke loose.
I couldn't stop on the bridge, but once I got to land, I crawled under the truck and found that the exhaust had come loose and was laying across the rotating drive train, being chewed apart.
No wonder it was noisy.
Couldn't do anything as I had left my tool box at home to make room for the mail order bride's stuff.
I crept on to the nearest town, to find some wire to tie it up with.
5 cars signalled to me that something was wrong, but I figured it was throwing sparks and signalled back that I had everything under control.
When I arrived at a town, I found that the jack wheel on the trailer had come loose and was dragging on the road. The wheel was completely gone, there was only the axle left, the rest had been a
braided away.
I hadn't heard or felt it because of the noise/vibraition from the broken exhaust been eaten up by the axle.
No frigging wonder they signalled me.
Must have looked like new year in Shanghai!!!!!!!!
15 hours later I went in to get diesel and was accosted by the German polizei, who politely asked if it was a normal Danish thing to drive down the Autobahn at night with no light on the trailer?
Turned out BOTH bulbs had vibrated loose. One was lying in the bottom of the light fixture.
What you get for bying an Irish trailer, I guess ( God invented alcohol to keep the Irish from ruling the world and all that)
At the Swiss border I was told I couldn't bring the wood into the country without a bill of sale.
No matter how many times I told them that I had been given the wood, since it was at that time uncertified and couldn't be sold, they wouldn't budge. A classic catch 22.
So I made a detour and smuggled it in.
It is snowing heavily here, so I spent 3 hours waiting for them to clear an accident off the highway.
Now I'm finally at the mail order bride's house.
She gave me a swift kiss on the cheek and went to work.
Now I just need to sleep for 14 hours then I'll be ready for the return trip.
Don't marry a Swiss gal