I was able to pull the t stat off the wall and inspect the other end of the wire. Everything looked good. I could also follow it through the basement and it looked ok there, too. Only the end on the relay was cooked. I cut a bunch off until I got to clean insulation. I put the new relay on and everything is working good there. Circ pump is working, but for some reason it wasn't heating up the house as fast as I thought it should. Maybe it just needed more time because the whole house had cooled off so much. Just as a funny side note, throughout this heating project, there have been little hardware issues pop up that have solved themselves in funny ways. I needed a couple of connectors for junction boxes and one for the housing on one of the circulators. The one on the circulator didn't need the little locking ring, so I had an extra ring. Well, it turned out that I needed a ring to hook up the new door on the boiler. When I was working on the new relay this morning, I discovered that the wires from the relay to the junction box were old cloth wires, and they were coming apart. I went looking for a short piece of mc wire, and found another relay already wired with a foot of mc hanging out the bottom. Saved wiring one end.

It seemed that every time I thought I was going to have extra parts, or was pissed that I had to buy a package of two of something when I only wanted one, I ended up needing the other one later, and already had it in stock.

OK, now that you are all totally bored with my plumbing and wiring stories, I'm going to go chop up some slab wood to feed this hungry beast.
Jim, I'll get some info on those generators this afternoon. How big of a load do you have? We ran the entire barn on one yesterday for milking, and there's plenty of stuff down there. 6.5 HP vac pump, high temp water heater, milk pump, compressor for the bulk tank etc.