Chris, just don't take a nap in there somewhere in the freshly painted room. Worse than boozing, sniffing paint.

My kids are 140 miles away staying with my parents this weekend. So I was like "why can I do with the freedom?" At first I was like "I'm going to rent a sports car, drink top shelf booze, snort coke, maybe hit the casino on my way to the strip bar".
Then I just decided I'd organize my fishing gear. Mow the lawn. Maybe paint out youngest daughters bedroom with my wife. Probably a nap in there too somewhere.
Thanks for the thoughts guys.
4.45pm yesterday, very peaceful, she never was one to make a fuss. Only thing she was ever scared of was going into an "old people's home" and taken away from her garden, we never let that happen.
That's sounds like fun Rajan! You are going to Chicago and we are going to Wisconsin today, trading states for the day.
Bud, I told her and her fiancee the whole area is now open for a tree service now that I'm pulling stakes.Congrats to her. What will you do about your new helper?
August, it was bad enough when she was a prosecutor. But I can hold my own though after practice with 12 years of marriage ha ha.Not that anyone ever wins an argument with his wife, but it seems like it might be even more difficult if she was a judge. . .
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Thanks SeanCongrats to her, Willard. How far will you move? Change in your client base?
Prepping for a community/ local business picnic meet and greet on my peninsula outside of Olympia, proper. Next year I'll be better prepared with a good slideshow. Now, I'm just working on a handout informational sheet with tips for HOs.
Wow! Did you live there long?That's where I was born.
Best of luck!