I get along with the Boss fine Jay. Just don't understand/agree with a lot of how a lot of things are done. People standing around not doing anything for hours, theft, full crew missing work for two days to save $50 on a tire, people coming in when they please (or not).
Lanny is a great guy and we've been friends for many years, but I can't honestly see how he even stays in business. I can't understand the tolerance for tardiness, dishonesty, lack of work ethics, etc. I have about zero tolerance for this stuff.
I'm certainly not in the upper echelon of tree workers but I've run my own businesses successfully for over 35 years now as well as worked for both great and terrible/incompetent supervisors as an employee. I have some idea of what generally works and what doesn't and I feel I'm just seeing more of what doesn't work being put into practice here.
I have a lot of respect for someone running things their own way and will probably never say any of this when I talk to him tomorrow, I don't know...