How'd it go today?

Got a few Walnuts topped for some loggers. I was pretty careful climbing up and the knee felt OK most of the day. Took lots of small steps as my right leg seems to have no power whatsoever. Going back tomorrow to dinish up and hit another jobsite near there for one tree.
Took 2 hours to make the 50 minute drive home tonight. sheeeesh...1 1/2 inches of snow and you'd think we were in a blizzard. wrecks every Xpressway most main roads. I was just elated to finally hit 3rd gear in the truck. :|:
Wrap your knees or get a couple good knee braces. Like others have said it will make a huge difference. I had knee problems a couple seasons ago. With the knee brace I could climb and work like normal. Without out it every movement was a wobbly painful affair. If you live anywhere close to a Walgreens they usually have a decent selection.
Slick looking

Today was another couple removals(locusts about 24") and a maple trim. Same as has been plaguing me as of late this customer is all over me about cutting the stumps super low. I'm perfectly clear in my bids/consults about the stump heights. Alap without cutting dirt. I run all cannon bars and Stihl chisel. I'm not cutting dirt for anyone. It drives me nutty.

I let them know it would be like asking a butcher to scrape his knives across the pavement. This has really been starting to get on my nerves lately because I still need to get paid usually at this point and I genuinely want my customers to be happy so I continue to get lots of referrals. Referrals are the gravy.

I'm sure it's just been a long season but it sure seems like a rash of low stump addicts lately.

A chainsaw is not a stump grinder!

Our Daughter wanted a dead Pecan branch over her utility lines gone ... it be gone.






I will be crippled at 70. I hurt every morning for the first hour at age 30. I can no longer sleep on my stomach. Have to sleep flat on my back or I will be immobile and in pure agony the next day.
Just more sex Chris .. it helps.. you just have to get past the sleepy part of the morning after :lol:

Rocked a good sized live oak today that tried to kick my arse... :P My hands are a tad sore from 5 hours of handsaw work. Then the 200 T came out to play.
Ran around town doing odds and ends, split a little firewood, ran the 3120 noodling some rounds, and spent the rest of the day with baby girl.
Ran around town doing odds and ends, split a little firewood, ran the 3120 noodling some rounds, and spent the rest of the day with baby girl.

Always good to spend some time :thumbup:
We took the kids to the job site and they had a blast... So did our client that is a retired teacher :)

Today was the first day in better than 2 weeks I actually used the Big Shot.. I have been rather proud of myself :)

Pats himself on the back as he Wraptors up a couple of stems to save energy
I'd change occupations, brother.

I will be crippled at 70. I hurt every morning for the first hour at age 30. I can no longer sleep on my stomach. Have to sleep flat on my back or I will be immobile and in pure agony the next day.