How'd it go today?

Ten Red Pines, all crane aided removals. Finished the last one in the dark with lights off the crane, and a problem making the reach on that one. The computer wire got fouled, had to go way way up to see what the problem was, never have done that before. Kind of cool, feet dangling in the nothingness. A tight zone, lots of limbs needed to be removed first to get the boom on location. Full day tomorrow by myself removing limbs and transporting logs. I'm exhausted. The crane operator was his usual top notch, can't ask for better, but sometimes I do wish he might elevate the hook a bit slower, Hate bumping into stuff when dangling, and am quite wary of limbs banging the hook with my line through it. Scares me a bit. Brand new 25 ton crane, a sleek machine. To busy to take photos, unfortunately.
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Did 5 sugar maples between a pool house and another pool house! 3 decent sized ones, used the middle of the bigger 3 to rig the others off, then dropped the fence and murphed the stem in the second pic down!
Today was "Murph it Thursday" Bixler worked with me today to help me Murph 4 xtra large, one small "leaning" grey pines (digger) in sunny cali....3 were 100ft + one had 3 1/2 ft trunk and was close to em down safely, pull rope was the way to go for bad leaners
Started this dead bugger today... More tomorrow.....
HO wanted a lot of pics... So Rob and Katy are both taking some.. Multi level back yard with lots of targets.
I will start a thread after I sort out pics.
Has about everything to offer... Metal... lighting.... cabling.. concrete :|: 3' Gate..... IMG_20131031_094957.jpg IMG_20131031_095042.jpg IMG_20131031_095134.jpg IMG_20131031_095155.jpg IMG_20131031_095201.jpg

No Notchless Armour Murphing this one :D
Just woke up again... LOL
Had too much coffee for Halloween... I'll nap again in a bit.. .Then off to work..
Lilly woke me up twice tonight.. now just one little noise... eyes open.
Halloween yesterday was awesome! My kiddo is almost nine she went as the Texas chainsaw massacreist and I went as a skeleton. Lots of truck or treating and a big awesome fireworks display afterwards.

Today's a day off requested by my employee. I needed a break too.
I had to do my daily walk at the mall because it rained all day yesterday. It was cute seeing all the little ones in their costumes. However, I did have to forgo the last mile cuz it just got too crowded! I'll remember next time to start a bit earlier...
That's pretty cool that you are that regimented about your exercise Butch. Lots of folks welcome an excuse to miss a day of their routine.
Played landscaper for two days, feet on the ground, hedge trimming, weed whacking, pruning shrubs. Truckload full of bits and pieces to dump. One client bought me a kombi-tool to do his hedges and edges, we get to use it for our stuff too, great deal!
How good is the chainsaw pruner for the kombi compared to a stand alone unit? Thinking of buying one.
I've been itching to get out in Navarro to do some more documenting. Hiking in the woods is about the only exercise I get anymore. I don't do supplemental, but probably should get it into my routine at my age.
Played landscaper for two days, feet on the ground, hedge trimming, weed whacking, pruning shrubs. Truckload full of bits and pieces to dump. One client bought me a kombi-tool to do his hedges and edges, we get to use it for our stuff too, great deal!
How good is the chainsaw pruner for the kombi compared to a stand alone unit? Thinking of buying one.

It's not bad, not as durable but lighter. Get the 1 metre carbon fibre extension pole and you have a very versatile set up.