How'd it go today?

There's waves there. They're inconsistent though. Nothing like the west coast waves, but big enough to have fun with. Some years when I am there, the waves are big enough that I have to pay mind to them, and other years I stand around forever waiting for a good one. Im referring to the Outer Banks. I cant speak for the mainland coast. I don't remember big waves at Camp Lejeune.
I'll be at and about the Carolina Beach/ Emerald Island area. Up at the tip of the island near the inlet there are some pretty big waves. I'm hoping to get a chance to go fishing off shore with my's been a few years. The price of fuel has kept him from using his boat like he once did.
Id love to go offshore fishing. Its on my bucket list. Not the top of the list, but its on there. Ive gone a few miles out for blues and stuff but never very far out for big game.
The last time I got to go out with my brother on his boat, we went 26 miles out. We kept going out till the water temp started climbing (gulf stream) then we trolled for tuna. Got a few nice ones on the line, but never boated more than a couple of heads.....
Had one happy as hell client today:D

The forwarder finished bringing out the ash trees we logged in the forest next to my house.
The new owner had calculated it to about 200 cubic meters of logs and about the same in firewood.

After a day of logging I told him he was way off.
So I went over the logs and piles of firewood with him today.
About 300 Cubic meters of prime logs and 7-800 of firewood.

He just couldn't stop smiling.

Neither could I because it was the first job we did for him and we got it all cut and forwarded while the weather was still dry, so you can hardly tell we've been there:)
Saw my first bear there, a big black one crossed the road, and easily hauled A up a steep slope. He didn't look like any tame thing, and I remember being very impressed by the powerful bulging muscles in the bear's shoulders as it moved up very efficiently.

Awesome description, Jay!
How'd it go today?

Nothing broke. I have all my fingers. No one quit, including myself, and I got the check from my customer. Couldn't have gone better.
Took down a grey pine and did some clean up on a property faster than we thought it might be... Got 1/2 days pay in 1.5 hours. So we went back on that job from yesterday and disposed of all that glass. 220# worth......
Can't ask for much more, Chris :thumbup:

We just got the approval for working at the home of the CEO for Micky D's today, and I am really excited. It is going to be a 2-3 day project depending on the weather and we will be staying in a hotel for a couple nights instead of commuting 3 hours round trip each day. It'll be interesting.
The weather's getting cooler, so we've been spending several evenings lately out sitting by a fire. I decided today was perfect for a little dutch oven cooking, so I had my oldest daughter throw together an apple pie for me to cook. It turned out PERFECT....

Nice man! Looks delicious!

And sounds like a sweet gig! We've done few jobs where we've stayed in a hotel for a few days, makes for an interesting experience.
Don't forget the cheese!!!
Oh yea, spliced a few more things up today. Finally spliced Yale kernmaster, something not many guys have done, as well as some other ropes and Zaxwwws
Saw Kat and the kids off to Oregon this AM. First stop will be Salem to see her dying aunt with some family, then off to her mom's place in the gorge. I am staying home to care for critters and keep on schedule.. I just booked us into March as of today.:|:
I bet if I set my mind to it Jay :/:
Took me 8 years of shaking hands and really selling ice to Eskimos to get the bookings like this.
Just raised the rates again as well... I think we got lucky pleasing the right people (money) at the right time.
Glad your efforts are paying off for you, Stephen. You always show a good work attitude and very competent skills. Enough people out there is the client base aren't stupid, fortunately.
I think if we were in an urban environment.... It would be a struggle. Up here, we have enough influx of retirees that have paid for tree work in the past, that know a good job when they see one.. The locals just cut everything down, apart, hack..... We are educating them though, a few at a time. Finding our niche was huge as well.