How'd it go today?

Saw a doctor today and was amazed at a no charge visit. But then had to go elsewhere. Both
Doc's had no solid ideas but the second prescribed a antibiotic and a much stronger oral fungicide. After taking both I have had a allergic reaction and can't swallow well and tongue is swollen so... Er to deal with that. Benadryl has never been more costly.:banghead:
Anaphylaxis is no fun! I used to have an issue with Almonds. Good luck! I would be suspecting spider bite too.
Yeah, Eek!
I've got Psoriasis. Starts like pimple that don't pop and hurts like hell. It slowly turns into a scaly rash of sorts. Since it went systemic and into my joints, it causes great pain. Yours doesn't look familiar.
Did you check out Lyme Disease?

I was trying to think what it looked like last night but it only just came to me now.

Sure hope is isn't that, but this pic looks similar to yours. They say you're in a low risk area but they always reckoned we didn't have it here but there is proof now that it is, so it can be nearly anywhere.

Try this link or

I was just at a red light behind a Bandidos biker fella and he removed his vest and put it back on inside out, hiding his colors. I wonder what was up with that?
It looked like he was going to the Harley shop, he woulda drove right past it. I bet they don't allow bikers to fly their colors inside... I dunno.
Something is always broke .This time it was the starter drive on the wood splitter .So you go to a dealer who says it can't be repaired and tries to sell you a new starter for 100 plus bucks .You might go online and buy a new drive for 30 dollars .The other option being the cheapskate I am is to buy an OEM new drive for 13.75 including shipping from flea bay ..:D
Cut and handsplit this years firewood today. 30 cubic meters, 3 guys with mauls, done by 3.30 PM.

I'm beat!
I have a hydraulic splitter!
Splitting by hand is an art.
Also if you are 3 50+ old year karateguys splitting together, a lot of fun.
We have been doing each others firewood for over 20 years and we always turn it into a competition.:D

After a week of logging a day like this doesn't much bother me.
I'm beat, but not much more than after a day of slaying ash trees.
I will take it slow tomorrow, but then I always do on sundays.
Wasn't that Squisher who's dog knocked a front tooth out?

Yes it was. Knocked one out and broke the other one. I've had it with teeth. I've had my front teeth messed up a handful of times. I'm about ready to just go toothless if these latest ones get knocked out again.
I've been without internet services for several days .It was Saturday shortly after 6 PM I thought a hot air ballon was going to crash in my woods because it was loosing altitude very quickly .Only cleared the 100 foot trees in my woods by maybe 10 feet .Same with the power lines at the front of my property at around 30 feet

They landed that thing in a twenty acre soybean field right across the road .By the time I made a mad dash to get my camara and get back they had it deflated .It couldn't have taken me 3 minutes .I got a picture but the camera cord I ordered hasn't arrived yet in the mail .That's something you don't see every day for sure .Wow!
Crazy Al.

I've never been in a balloon. But my wife has.

Cut a bunch of acacia today. Nothing of any notable size. All floppers in a residential lot.

Yah we were popular in the neighborhood today. Lol.
Found a Giant Asian hornet's nest in the ivy about eight feet from the door of my shop. Trimming branches, a few seriously buzzed me before i realized what was happening. I felt the wind from one right across my mouth, don't know if it was taking a swipe or not. I hit it with some gasoline before going home. It was late in the day, I suspect that they were mostly in there. I can't get stung again. I posted in the news thread about these critters currently causing some havoc in China. They are seriously dangerous, with venom that melts flesh. The pain from a sting is like getting walloped with a bat, and the itching afterward from infection will drive you mad. Resistance is low or an allergic response, you maybe die. Pretty large nest, never noticed any activity before.
Found a Giant Asian hornet's nest in the ivy about eight feet from the door of my shop. Trimming branches, a few seriously buzzed me before i realized what was happening. I felt the wind from one right across my mouth, don't know if it was taking a swipe or not. I hit it with some gasoline before going home. It was late in the day, I suspect that they were mostly in there. I can't get stung again. I posted in the news thread about these critters currently causing some havoc in China. They are seriously dangerous, with venom that melts flesh. The pain from a sting is like getting walloped with a bat, and the itching afterward from infection will drive you mad. Resistance is low or an allergic response, you maybe die. Pretty large nest, never noticed any activity before.

That is scary to me! Can't lie I would burn down a brand new rope if I saw those. Melts your flesh! That is crazy.