How'd it go today?

The door latch assembly was bent.. This also includes the mount for the safety switches. I opened it up and put it all back in it's respect places so that the oven would work and the door would shut proper. Now that I know what is in there, I will try an engineer so way to strengthen the thin piece of tin this assembly resides on.
Hey Pete beautiful pic! I envy you :P Simply Arbor: Sorry about your saws I hope you get them back! I managed to drop about a 300 lb piece of Oak that stuck by a tiny piece of holding wood. When I pushed it the holding wood caused to slide down the tree hit the crotch and shoot to the ground then roll several times in to the side of a shed converted in to a party room :( The worse part is I knew I should have had it tied off and I still gambled because the job has taken a lot longer than I bid it for. Now a little money is turning into no money! It could be worse though.
Ive done it. It sucks. Put a white pine log straight through the roof of a shed, through the possessions, and through the floor 7 years ago.

On a storm work bender. Im beat. Have to back off. I got in the chip truck around the end of a job yesterday morning. I started it and drove away. There was still raking to do. My phone was in another truck, and I never said a word to the guys. Just got in and started driving. Why I don't know. Made sense in the moment. I was just mentally fried I guess. Back at the yard, the fellas suggested I catch a ride home and go to sleep. I did. I was truly a zombie. Running that hard just beat me up far quicker then I thought it would. Feeling quiet today and low key today.
I went and finished a small stupid job since earlier. Going to sleep for a bit then drive a few hours and crash and work in Philly tomorrow. My bear hunting trip in NH got bumped up 2 weeks so now Im under the gun to get my schedule caught up. Not to mention every damned thing I own with tires is breaking down and begging money out of me. It comes in waves and right now Im in a wave of pouring money into equipment. I wish they would invent unbreakable tree equipment.
Drinking a liter of Pedialyte before I leave the house, plus my CoolVest, sure does make a difference in how I feel during the day. I've stopped Gatotaid completely and switched over to that drink. It's expensive @ 3.50 a pop, but it looks like it's worth every penny. I don't cramp up like I used to and I don't feel like I'm fixing to die.
Its not hot here now. 60's during the day. My muscles feel good. My mind is toast. Lightning struck trees, rigging trees off houses with no extra damage, running back and forth across town getting bids out and driveways opened, a retarded mentally exhausting temporary member of the crew who makes me want to choke him, and constant phone ringing. My temporary member of the crew wouldn't stop raking under the guy in the bucket yesterday. Bucket was taking down a lightning struck spruce. I told him 3 times to stay out from under whoever is in the bucket. Cant be staring at the ground raking while in the kill zone. Raking was not necessary until the tree was down. Wouldn't listen. I finally walked up to him and said "Let me see the rake for a second". I launched it across the property into the back yard and said "Lets keep it back there for now". The freakin rake hung up 20 feet off the ground in a tree. It actually turned the situation from angry to hysterical. Someone snapped a pic of one of the guys standing under the tree with the rake in it laughing. Look closely for the red rake head.
Drinking a liter of Pedialyte before I leave the house, plus my CoolVest, sure does make a difference in how I feel during the day. I've stopped Gatotaid completely and switched over to that drink. It's expensive @ 3.50 a pop, but it looks like it's worth every penny. I don't cramp up like I used to and I don't feel like I'm fixing to die.

I saw the weather the other night and it said 99 degrees at like 8:45 pm in your neck of the woods!
My crew is awesome Butch. One bad egg. The others are some gritty, efficient tree rats that aren't afraid to dig in and make it happen. The one though, he is gone this week. He is giving me anxiety and angering me.
I did this Saturday mostly by myself with a little help from my son. Mainly lift canopy and trimmed water sprouts. I also removed some deadwood. It has a iron support post on the left side that the tree has started to grow around. Not sure what to do there. Before ImageUploadedByTapatalk1379273749.109150.jpg After ImageUploadedByTapatalk1379273768.995113.jpg My help for about 2 hours ImageUploadedByTapatalk1379273845.317565.jpg
Maybe ignore that iron support? Im not a tree scientist, but if the tree is growing around it already, it might be best to let it stay the course instead of monkeying with it. Trees don't seem to mind growing around stuff in my experience.
Thanks! I thought so too. I like how you can see the lower limbs. I really love pruning. It is art and science which makes it a constant learning experience according to the latest findings.
NIce picture of Aberdovey Pete! I did Outward Bound near there 100 years called Rhowniar, they closed that one in later years and concentrated on the Aberdovey school .

IN my dim memory at the end of the course we had some competitions between the various groups, and one was tree climbing, I remember having to hit bells...maybe that's where the bug first bit me...

Took down my first big old poplar on looked ok from the outside, but when that final 80' came down and hit the ground, the rot was everywhere...those things exist on a skin!
Fi, start out by poking your saw into it in a spot where you won't be needing hingewood later on. Just a full depth borecut straight in.
That will give you an idea of how rotten the tree is.
Better to know ahead instead of after ( Especially since, if it is rotten enough, there may not be an after)
NIce picture of Aberdovey Pete! I did Outward Bound near there 100 years called Rhowniar, they closed that one in later years and concentrated on the Aberdovey school .

IN my dim memory at the end of the course we had some competitions between the various groups, and one was tree climbing, I remember having to hit bells...maybe that's where the bug first bit me...

Took down my first big old poplar on looked ok from the outside, but when that final 80' came down and hit the ground, the rot was everywhere...those things exist on a skin!

You must be older than I thought. :lol:
You must be older than I thought. :lol:

yeah...101 ;)

Point taken felling cut was 15' up while standing on spikes...when I was marking a line for my back cut with my handsaw, the sound of the bark being cut was punky at the back, fortunately the sound wood was juuust enough to get it over reasonably well. Learning curve...
I had left a smaller trunk to the side that I swung over to hide behind for the final pull.
I did some wild and crazy roping today! We were taking out some trees on a fence row, no real targets to worry about, we just needed the stuff on one side of the fence. It was lots of fun!
I put my old chipper on a trailer and shipped it off to the new owner this morning.

Day was shot so i brought Ashly to a big fair in mass., ate a lot and had a good time.