Old saws never go away....riday morning, woke up at 3:30, let at 4:00am to Mono Lake. Got there 5 hours and 30 minutes later at 9:30am. Job unseen minimal tools at the motel we stayed at, she comped our rooms. We then reduced a 50 oot sibderian elm down to about 15 eet, terrible seam ractures, multi stem, all over the neighbors motel. We inished in our hours. Easy peasy, it was either that or removal. She opted or the make sae, it had already lost major leads. Then the next day on saturday it was 8 hours o cutting dead tops out o a ailing grove o Cottonwoods. Out o 10 trees, we had one major ubar, no biggie the owner said. We let ater 4pm and got home to San rancisco by 9:30pm. My kid kicked soda on my laptop, so no "Ph" button or Return button anymore, anyone know how to clean under the keys?