Good Morning!

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I didn't have time to retrieve the trailer. I will get a piece of field fence (metal grid) to put over the top, and a picture of "D", asking them not to steal from her college fund, and if they really need wood that bad, that I will help them out.
I'd be a bit grumpy if I was locked out of a job that far away too.

Sounds like a good solution Sean.

Storms & possible tornado through area last night. About 10K without power in the City.

All is fine out here. 3-4" of rain.. Still storming hard out where my job is today...Should pass in an hour or so. Waiting to hear if we are on for the day or yard is too flooded (wants to move chips in truck across property). Might be a change of plan in order...
Might get some T storms here as well. No likey since they often start fire this time of year. Just enough rain to wash the dust off and bam.... it burns better,
Get some more coffee and go on up to a client's place. Love this guy, has old Indian motorcycles. Long grey beard like ZZ top. He is on oxygen now. Ciggys about killed him. Now he is basically dying a slow death. We started working for him about 5 or so years ago. He was riding his bikes and running his tractor. Now he can hardly walk or breath to do so :(
Hard to watch... I almost feel like he is wasting his money on us keeping his trees up. He just wants to be able to look out his windows everyday and enjoy his woods while his life slips away. So I guess in some form, we are honouring a dying man's wishes. Still hard to watch though.
More coffee!!!
Yep, those smokers who say: " So I'll die a few years earlier, big deal" haven't really got the whole picture.
I've known a couple of those emphysema oldtimers, too. Plus I watched my grandfather die from a slow lung cancer.
That shit kills you in the worst way.
Horrible way to go.
He was happy how the two I did came out. Picked the worst two. Made a longer day of it.
He gave me a chainsaw too. Like brand new and just sitting. I 'll have to stop by and see what Husky it is and pick it up. We only talked about it and I had to scoot up into the National Forest to look at tomorrow's job. Trees rotten and falling into power lines and shat.
Rotten tree day .... Next couple anyway. PG&E will do a power drop this AM and I am all morning going to be setting rigging and high lines. One still stuck in a cedar over the service line. Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Well somebody pulled the cork from the sky for sure. Probably for 2 inches of rain in the last hour. Guess is a good day to hang out with my dog and my Lil boy. Hope tomorrow is better
Morning all, my birthday is wrong on my profile registration for some reason. Today is my 41st birthday. I've made it.

Have to work all day, the boss is making me. He says he has to knock out jobs and pay bills.

A birthday dinner etc tonight. maybe get rowed around in a boat on the Puget Sound.
Breakfast, then off to bring pick-up home from garage. Fix was under $100 :) (sensor).

Stumps for the rest of the day. Looking forward to an easy one.
We've had 90+ weather all week. I had my new employee fall off the face of the earth so I've had a looooonng week myself. Looking forward to parking the trucks this afternoon. One view pruning and one removal to go.
A lot of it has to do with me having a near heat stroke many years ago... that, and my age, I guess. I can't believe all my skills and experience is gonna go down the crapper. I guess that's the way things go, sometimes. And I just bought some new gear, lol.
Maybe down, but not out bossman...
I am starting to have more and more issues with the heat as I am getting older, Passed out once from the heat in AZ. Got more sensitive after that.
Note that I DO NOT live in AZ any more, nor will I ever live in that kind of climate any more.
California is close though. Nights are cooler here though even when it gets hot.
Mornings are tolerable. Nice thing about running my own show, is I go home if it gets too hot, Tomorrow is another day. Clients prefer I work safe than not.
I could not work in your humid summer Butch. There was a time I could. Not any more. Maybe just have something else to do in summer and then trees once it cools off. Maybe look for a foreman job at a company that checks line clearance or what not. ACRT is always hiring out here. Most those guys just drive around and make lists for the tree companies to follow to keep cutting. Granted they have to hike all over the place once the truck is parked, But you already use a tread mill anyway. You are in shape for it.
I walk 5 miles every day outside, in the heat. There aren't any treeco's around here that I could just walk into and be a foreman... they are all small outfits. It sure sounds good, though.
Well.. I was supposed to go finish a mistletoe removal up the street today. Katy woke up sick. I don't want to work Robert a 6th day. Even for part of one. Dave (thattreeguy) is going to probably come out and help me with that black oak next week. It is on the same property so I will probably be able to finish it up as we do the big one.
Dummy me thought I had every thing for the pool figured out.. Noticed the clamps were in short supply for the hoses. Also I am short hoses. The pool is a different size than the sand filter I picked up off a neighbour. Oh well.. Off to the hardware store. See if I can wrap this up to add chems to it tonight. Jerry and Terry B will be rolling into town this afternoon and we will be going to dinner. Better get some coffee and get on it.