Good Morning!

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Gigi, I've tried that thousands of times and it just doesn't work. I gutted the tree as hard as I dared. Thought I was finished but then was sent back up to "thin it out a bit more". The homeowner was happy when it looked like every other stripped out tree in the neighborhood. Too bad his 'preventative maintenance' will end up making the tree more susceptable to wind damage.

The stoner I was working for (his company name is 'HIGH Maintenance Lawn Care) was talking me up about more jobs he has coming up in the next couple weeks. I think I'm going to be busy that day.

Willie, would you mind saving me a plate of those tips? Sounds delicious! :P
Brian, that's the advantage of being a sub rather than an employee. If you don't like what the guy is doing, just don't work for him any more.
I'm heading out to the Ford truck dealership to get a new radiator overflow tank for the '95 F-700. Seems these plastic tanks only last about 2 to 3 years before springing a leak. I hate Fords.
Well I went riding and got my saw parts. Pretty fun.

Just called 2 people to try to get a job done tommorrow, one wants a removal into a trim, and one says " your not gonna damage my lawn with a log right?", while his lawn looks like a parking lot full of weeds. :roll:
You can get generics at any auto parts store, Brett.

Nope, tried that. $112.00 for a silly plastic tank from the dealer. :X

Only took about 10 minutes to replace. Also changed the oil and filter on the bucket truck... 28 quarts!!! :O
Brendon, just promise them that you won't break the dirt. :roll:
Another example of why I don't want to deal with homeowners. I'll do a great job on your tree if you just shut up and go away. If anything valuable gets broken then I'll fix it out of my own pocket.

Brett, that's a lot of oil! My Cat 6 cylinder takes 20 quarts.
That's what I told him, "we fix what we break". He tryed beating me down on the price time someone asks I'm gonna ask them once they drill for oil in their backyard and fill up my equipment the price will change.
Heh some people are wheelers and dealers, if ya don't want to deal ya don't have to.;)

I wouldn't sweat it none, remember that customers are the ones who actually pay you. Gotta play the game.
I slept in this morning. First time I've done that in ages. Not sure what I'm doing the rest of the day but it's probably not going to involve lots of physical effort. :P
I can't sleep in if I tried. My body is trained no matter what I do the day before. I can however fall asleep at 7 o'clock at night. :D

I was going to do a job today but I'm not in the mood. The guy is home and it seems like he would be a PITA, so I'll wait till he's at work :). I noticed one of the bolts that holds the e-brake assembly on the mini snapped, so I started to address that this morning. Just need to get an easy out, already drilled a hole and PB Blasted it. Made room in the rig for the GRCS this morning. I did a job the other day that I figured I wouldn't need it but turns out it woulda been nice :X. So now it stays in the truck. Fixed a burnt fuse and broken reverse light already too.

It's suppose to rain like a bastid here soon, got nothing planned for day.
John and I just got a visit from 2 local firefighters, inviting us to come over to the firehouse and have a look around. Since the fire that destroyed Rocketman's house, the community has voiced tremendous concern about the firedept's lack of necessary equipment.
We have a public meeting scheduled for Thursday night, where we can address the City Council and let them know, no, we don't need dog parks, we need fire equipment.
I had asked the firemen to put together a list of need items and seems they are ready to share that with John and I. Can you believe they don't even have GPS's in their trucks?

We have had, as a community, quite a few "Are you kidding me?" moments since the fire. We don't have a pump truck, although at least it is on order. As a citizen, I assumed I was protected, turns out many in this community are not. It is time to change that.
ooops, I was mistaken. I read something somewhere this morning that made me think today was Father's day. But that was last Sunday.

Good for you, Gigi. I love my Garmin for getting to unknown addresses, although it usually seems to peg the address about a half block away from the actual location for most of the Orlando area. Out of town it's dead accurate.
going to an auction this am, rental place went out of business and theres 3 dingo's! 1 is a tx525 diesel 25 horse. i really want it!
I was going to do a job today but I'm not in the mood. The guy is home and it seems like he would be a PITA, so I'll wait till he's at work :). .

:lol: I've done that alot :thumbup:

In fact, next week I'll be doing it again.
Just got up... a little hung over, and drinkin' coffee.:morning: Had a fire in the pit here at the house, and invited some friends for beers last night. Played horseshoes until it got dark, and ate a crap load of food...

Good times... :)

Gonna work on the truck more today.

Virginia I used to be a volunteer fireman and most fire depts don't have everything that they need. They are always needing something and it usually takes the community contributing to get it bought. My Dad and I and a neighbor bought a 8" butterfly valve for our truck. $800.
I off to see the chiropractor, the wonderful chiropractor of Boise...

My neck and back got tweaked doing....tree climbing? No. Running a chainsaw? No. Lifting heavy rounds? No. Sitting in a chair and surfing the net? Yep.