Good Morning!

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OK 4:30 is way earlier than I planned on being wide awake....Don't leave for job 'til 9. Guess it must be the excitement of a day of work!:|:

Should be an easy day. Running a little bucket for the first time in several years.
Poor kids are soo damn tired and I have to take them to work again today... Lilly really hates trying to be up and eat breakfast before 8:30 - 9 AM..
More slash and burn today.. Last couple days sucked as wet and muddy as it has been.. Just starting to dry out some now. Maybe we can deploy the mini today and not get too mired down :|:
Well I have the day off for once and I wake up at 5 am. Ain't that some crap. Think I'll head outside in a bit and load 2 cord of wood for a delivery the day after Christmas. Once that's done the wife and kids should be awake and I'll get another round of breakfast.
How I wish I could go back to sleep. I only an do that if I was drinking or sick. I can rarely nap, and I would so benefit from cat naps.
Morning #4 on my banjo playing marathon... Been inspired.:)

Hands are holding up better than expected and getting some quickness and dexterity back now that I'm not running a saw & climbing for a bit.

Scored on taking some private lessons from a pro session player. Hopefully speeds up attaining a higher level on the instrument. Well, back to picking...

Hope you all have a great holiday!
First one is next Tues., then every week through Winter. He's from NC and works in NY. We'll get together via Skype over the net.

I have worked out a couple songs he played on videos already.
First one is next Tues., then every week through Winter. He's from NC and works in NY. We'll get together on Skype over the net.

Hopefully he'll help me play well enough to impress myself. :/:
Back on the wet side of the mountains, home, wood stove rocking, coffee going down easily. watching the wind blow the limbs out the window. Trying to motivate to clean house, get work stuff done. D comes home tomorrow for several days. Employee will be back. Have some logs to help skid out for pulp and hopefully plywood peelers from the cottonwood job, then smooth out the yard with the bucket. It was swampy last week with that clay soil.

The homeowner was initially looking at the job as an expensive $3k nuisance. Over time, it came to be a renovating the yard situation. Dogs had way too much yard to turn into mud, homeowners have way too little yard for human space. Since the poor turf was destroyed, and the fence posts pulled for working space, he'll move the fence back, leaving space for humans in front, add some soil to amend the clay soil, use the more ample sun to grow usable lawn, and sleep better at night. Plant some fruit trees and have a nice orchard space for hanging out and producing food.

Nuisance trees will be gone, much more valuable opportunity to use the space result. That's that Crisis and Opportunity thing.
First one is next Tues., then every week through Winter. He's from NC and works in NY. We'll get together via Skype over the net.

I have worked out a couple songs he played on videos already.

Wayne erbsen?
that's cool when you can get input directly from an expert. Fid, have you posted any of your playing here at the TH? If so I missed it. If not you should.
Speaking of picking I caught a musician on PBS last night that looked like Dylan with that round hat he wears. Looked a bit like him as well. I could not believe I didn't know who he was. Blues, rock, country mix. John Hiatt. Sounded good. Anybody else?
Thanks Steve!

Wayne erbsen?

Wayne sounds familiar for some reason but can't recall from where.

Name is Bennett Sullivan.

Had my fist lesson Tues. He reaffirmed a lot of what I am already doing. Most of the time was spent planning stuff out I want/need to work on in the near future and nipping some bad techniques in the bud before they become habits.
Wife called at 4;30 am & needed a ride home from the hospital. She let me know she was going in at about 2 for some stomach problems.

7:30 and back home now.

Guess I'll have breakfast and take a nap.:|:
Ha, siter came over w/nephew arguing/yelling at each other do I got to play referee...just got everything calmed down and all moods a bit better (except mine)...

now it's 11 am...we'll try this again:combustion: :shoot: :sleepy2: