Good Morning!

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Heck yea, my right bicep is torn. Where did it separate? From the shoulder, like me? Or the elbow? You can have surgery, but you'll be one-armed for a while.


The pic doesn't show it very well, but you can definitely get an idea. That top part of my Popeye muscle should be stretched up higher and attached to the bottom of my shoulder.


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    bicep_tear 001 (Medium).jpg
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Shit Brian, that's not good at all! Get in and get it checked out, the sooner you get on top of it, the sooner it will heal and the better it will heal!
That's got to hurt like a BITCH! I'm sorry man!
Dad broke his left bicep in 2002, broke on a Saturday, went to the doctor Tuesday. He did the surgery to fix it and had no complications from it.
I just got back from a visit to my PT, treatment for my messed up rotator cuff is still on-going. I'm making slow but steady progress.

Brian, self-diagnosis sometimes is inaccurate...has been for me, anyway. Get it looked at and maybe you'll be able to fix it without resorting to the knife.
If it is a torn ligament time is of the essence. If you wait too long it gets impossible to stretch it out far enough to re-attach. Get checked out tonight or tomorrow.
I'm back from Jewett Orthopedic and my self diagnosis was accurate. I got lucky and one of the surgeons has time open next week as long as I'm willing to skip some of the formalities, so I'm going for a pre-op appointment to meet the doc on Monday and my surgery will be on Tuesday. I don't have all the numbers yet but with my 50% prepay discount it will be about $3K for the surgery. A friend of mine had the same procedure done last year and he gave me a sling as well as the fancy $500 brace to wear after the surgery.

If I had paid for insurance for the last 5 years, my copay probably would have been almost that much. Not to mention the thousands of dollars the insurance company would have collected from me. I'm really ok with paying as I go. My appointment today with x rays was $145 which I've already paid.
Yup. Or in other words, insurance companies pay double because they drag it out so long. I'm going to copy pasta this into a new thread in the Elders so as not to hijack this thread.
And here I was going to whine about my morning!
I still will for humor:P
Went to bed at 1am, tired as snot, Bubba had nightmares and came to our bed at 2am, then wet the bed at 6am.
No sleep for Andy! Oh well, maybe tonight?:lol:
I'm with her!^ Another week down, another week closer to a new beginning.

I'm up to go warm up the van, since I need to get my brother to school this morning... 3rd grade this time.

I am going to help one of the local tree guys I consider friendly competition. This one is a favor. His groundie stepped on an old broken milk bottle and it messed his foot up bad. So Rob and I are going to help him raise a limb off a roof his bucket can't reach.
We send work back and forth to each other... Hubby and wife team.
Shouldn't take long and then I have my on limb removal to do.

Must have coffee.......

Still chuckling over the rough 40T prune. :lol: Yous guys quack me up!
I can't catch a break on getting some sleep this week! Went to bed last night with a slight ear ache, I was frozen all night long, just couldn't get warm!
Got up at 7:30 and took my temperature, yup, 102. Everything hurts!
I'm tired.
Another bitter morning, another day of work.

Headed down to my neighbors, I do a day of discounted work every year for him. Today I've got a twin Hemlock take down on the side of the hill, all the brush gets piled not to far away, and I'll chainsaw chip it for him. If we have time two smallish leaning Oaks towards the neighbors will get pulled over with the GRCS trying not to bash up the trees he loves to put in under trees he knows are coming out. :|:

Although there is a dusting of snow's suppose to warm up to around 40*. Hopefully finish putting together the Cover-It so I can tuck away the Fork for Sunday/Mondays storm. :D