Fighting The Heat!!!

Here, the humidity doesn't burn off until 9 or 10 am.

It's a trade off.

I can hide my body from the sun/heat... to an extent.

Can't do shit about 100% humidity and it ain't raining...
Truth I know you speak, Butch...having myself been born and raised in the humid and hot SE.

But both humidity and heat are lowest when it is dark, as the sun is not yet vaporizing the liquid in the low level atmosphere, the ground, the surface water, and the vegetation. 4am is golden, if you and your crew has the stuff to be there. And right now, here anyway, at 4am you can see clearly, plenty of light.
My vest arrived last Wednesday. It is everything everyone said it is. Made work last Thursday a lot nicer. I ordered an extra cooling pack which didn't arrive. I left a voice mail last Wednesday. I left an email last Thursday. I left another voicemail Friday and just sent another email. No response. I recommend the vests but I don't recommend this particular company based on their nonexistent customer service. I may be out $139 on an extra cooling pack and a vest that I can only wear 2 1/2 hours a day.

The vest works great. It's comfortable to wear and the 91 degrees and high humidity last Thursday wasn't near as bad. I guess I'll start searching for another company that makes the cooling packs so I can use my vest all day.
For sure! Months at a time!

I can testify to that. It's like being on Mar's and making it back to the habitat, and having shot of ice-cold Windsor Canadian. Survival 101.

When I was in Alexandria I did not see one occupied dwelling with at least 2 air conditioners running full time. Just think of when the power goes out.
They'll get you sorted. My impression is a small work force at the company. Get a cooler and some water and a bag of ice. You'll be cool most of the day. They recharge quickest in an ice water bath down to 32*F. Freezer will get them colder.
Yeah it's Glacier Tek. I thought they might be down for a day or two for the 4th. But it's been a week today. I carried an ice chest Thursday in case it needed recharged but I finished up about 1 30 and it was still pretty cool. I'll give them another day or two to respond.
I had had my doubts too, when they never answered my emails.
But I finally called them last week, left a voice message about my disappointment with no response, and got a call back about 5 minutes later.
Like SeanKroll said, they appear to be a small company.
They warehouse guy who called me said 2 people were out and it was only him there (as I recall).
I ordered the vest, extra cooling packs, and the nail protectors last Thursday or Friday so I expect it in the next day or two.
Yes. The vests alone are between 50 and 75 bucks.

I have 4 diff versions.

Of course, they are useless w/o the cooling packs.
Hot hot hot today, managed to knock off at 3, back to finish tomorrow.

Hate it! Really fatigues me, barely pull the cork out of the bottle of wine in the evening.

The dog has the best of it, sat in the air conditioned truck watching us.
It's getting warm here too. Storms all weekend. Now I'm back to about 2 weeks of storm cleanup. I don't know how there's any trees left to fall on houses at this point. Going to be humid for the next week.
Mid eighties.

Coolvest and easy up canopy over a big stump, in full sun. Still more blocks of figured maple to cut from the stump.
spraying a hose in the air will act like a swamp cooler (evaporative cooling) in the immediate vicinity, and keep dust down. I'm working on powdery soil at the moment under what was a wide tree, so only sprigs of turf here and there, that used to look sorta like lawn.
It was 103 here yesterday, and supposed to be 105 today. I just postponed the job I was gonna do and am taking my son up to the mountains to go camping and creek-walking instead.
haha, a TRUE Lab!

Just got CoolVest in.
Charging up the coolpacks.

GlacierTec company customer service exceeded expectations (after I finally spoke with a person).
The guy I spoke to included a set of extension straps free in case I ever needed them.

Plan to try it out tomorrow in 90-95 degree heat index.
Mowing grass with gasoline (manual) 21" push mower.
With CoolVest (and head covered and sunscreen and water) hoping I can mow at least 3 hours or more in the heat.
Thanks to God for any strength He gives me.
Two hours is max for the coolvest.

I like to change it every hour when it's really hot.
That is effin' stay home in the shade weather.

I busted my azz plenty in that sort of heat, and even worse on some fireline falling assignments...but that is actually dangerous, so if you can at all avoid it, do so.

In the really hot weather like that, if it was at all possible we'd start work at 4am, work 'til 10am or so. Chill in whatever shade we could find and sleep until 8pm or so, and work until 10pm. In summer, there was just enough light to get by on each end of that schedule.