Fighting The Heat!!!

Well I finally got an email. 8 days later. The missing cooling packs are supposed to be on the way. I really need to buy one more vest setup for my groundman. I think he's starting to see how helpful these are. I'm really enjoying mine. Are there any other places I might get one. I'm really happy with the product but I'm very unhappy with the no call and no email return thing. I'm booked solid until after Halloween right now but still get to every one of my calls within 24 hours. I really just don't want. the hassle of having to hound someone to get their end right. I would order one more today if I can find another place to get them or another company that offers close to the same thing. Thanks.
I'm guilty of not getting back to calls when it's sleep so I can do my job, or call back customers.

While everyone wants to be treated like they are the guy buying a 1000 instead of 1, their target clients are buying 100 for a corporate workforce.

Spend your Dollar vote as you wish, but at the same time, don't cut off your nose to spite your face (whatever the saying is).

Cool vests seem like the best product, even if customer service is not on the same level.

They need to sell through an arborist supply company.
Sorry to hear you had so much trouble with them. I've had many transactions with no problem whatsoever.

GlacierTek is just about the only place to get the best coolvest. There is another out there, I don't remember who. I just remember I like GT better.
I found Glacier Tek through About the same price. I'm going to look into them. I also get very behind at times. But I treat the little old lady that needs her Azalea bushes trimmed the same as the company that wants 700 trees cut. I at least return their call and let them know it's gonna be a few months.

As far as the vest, it was a life saver today. Definitely a great product. I still sweat and get soaked but it's a cold wet rather than 100 degree hot water all over me all day. My smaller bucket truck which I use 90 percent of the time has no ac. So it's nice to ride home and be cool for a change. Thanks for the recommendation Butch. And everyone else.
Coolvest initial trial:

I push mowed from 11am to 3pm, approx 4 miles, with about 1:15 hour rest time.
Heat index averaged around 92-96.
Swapped out cooling packs 3 or 4(?) times... (After an hour they were about half melted.)

I'm tired and feel some heat effects, but I believe the Coolvest allowed me to do at least an hour more work.
I was going to mow a few laps at the end without the Coolvest for comparison but I was too tired and didn't want to push it on overheating.

What felt the best was sitting outside in the heat or in my un-airconditioned truck while wearing the Coolvest... really nice and pleasant!

I think I will try out those neck coolers that MasterBlaster was talking about.
The morning is too humid for my tastes. I like around 10 am when the sun has burned some of it off.

The neck wraps will be your next steps towards comfort.
The morning is too humid for my tastes. I like around 10 am when the sun has burned some of it off.

The neck wraps will be your next steps towards comfort.

Also there is more likely to at least be a slight breeze. Definitely with you on this MB. I have a vest and may just deploy that baby tomorrow

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One tip about the vest...

The second it starts to feel warm, TAKE IT OFF and replace/recharge the gelpacs.

If it's not charged and keeping your cool, then it just becomes a hot vest.
Thanks MasterBlaster!
Then planning to order the neck coolers soon.
Planning on using the vest for real today on my cleanup job... supposed to be in low 90's.
Got a cooler just for the cooling packs.
Will be trying out a couple of inexpensive refreezable plastic freeze packs (instead of ice) to see if that will be enough to recharge the cooling packs.
I would stick with ice, and the bigger the better.

Be sure to wear the neck wrap as tight against the skin as possible.
Cooling packs with cold water might work better. A gallon jug of drinking water, opened and emptied a bit, then frozen, would work.

You can't drink your re freezable packs.
One tip about the vest...

The second it starts to feel warm, TAKE IT OFF and replace/recharge the gelpacs.

If it's not charged and keeping your cool, then it just becomes a hot vest.

Good advice, MasterBlaster.
Like what you said, it seems to last about an hour for me before I need to replace/recharge the gelpacs.
I'm interested in getting some thin, closed cell foam to put to the outside of the packs within the sleeve. No need to lose cooling power by gaining external heat from the air and sun.

Not buying a Coolvest to work in the heat is like not buying a warm jacket for wearing in the cold.
Sure did. I started posting there on about page 53. Think there was a few vids too. I haven't looked at that post in a while. I'll catch up on it tonight. I wore my cooling vest a few days ago setting the sound system up for an outdoor show. I was the only one that wasn't drenched when the show started.