Fighting The Heat!!!

Just the band members. One of them works at a paper mill and said they had some at work for some of the employees but not that brand. I've been wearing mine home from work and in the gas station and once in the grocery store. Got a couple of looks but no one said anything. Mine is orange and my wife says it looks like a life jacket to her.
She is correct... It is a life jacket... Well, life vest.

They could print...

YOU LOOK HOT! on the front

So it’s hotting up now, are you guys still using cool vests? My current groundy, whilst very good seems to malfunction when it gets too hot.

It was 23 degrees yesterday and it brought to the front of our minds the torture ahead.

What would be the best for us do you think?
That, and drinking those electrolyte fluids to prevent muscle cramping and other symptoms of dehydration. This will be a good thread, Mick! Thanks for starting it.

You think 23 is hot? If my math is correct, that's 73.4F, right? I'd give my left nut to work in 73 degrees all day. It's been in the low 90's here lately. CoolVest is the way to go. I haven't used mine yet; waiting till it gets warmer.
No, I realise 23 isn’t hot, but it is only going one way, suddenly you remember what a few weeks of 30 plus is like.

So what model do you have Brett?
You need a dedicated cooler for the spare cool packs... when the packs lose their charge the vest can get warm real quick. Plus, it's rather heavy.
Winter jackets are bulky when it's freezing, and you have to pay for them.

Coolvests are Well worth it. Talked to my neighbor. His 90 year old mom loves working outside, but the heat is too much. She's getting a nice pink, kids' vest. She's a tiny old lady.

Make it the groundies job to get the cooler together, rinse the vests and packs at the end of the day, put them in a little shop freezer/ deep freezer if you have one.

Teach him he needs to drink a lot of water all day, and at night. Lots of guys stop drinking water during their recovery period, then charge into it the next day.

IMO, the pub sounds good, until having to go to work in the heat the next day.

IDK how people can drink a bunch, then do anything athletic. Doesn't work for me.

Almost got mine into the freezer yesterday. I have no natural insulation. Anyone carrying any excess body-fat is more insulated. Someone who's kinda soft is well-insulated. My guy is working his excess off. He's slimmed down a lot from where he started. That extra layer of insulation makes a big difference on a big guy (6'+, 220). The greater the surface are: volume ratio, the easier to dissipate heat.

Groundies are often resistant to laying on the ground in the shade to suck heat off their bodies during a break, and running water over the head, neck, back, arms, etc for cooling. Strange. If I was walking around on terra firma all day, I'd be using the hose to stay cool and sharp.
Make it the groundies job to get the cooler together, rinse the vests and packs at the end of the day

How hard is that, compared to be a functioning groundworker? Maybe I expect my employees to function like successful humans too much.

It's like plugging in and putting down your nice helmet with muffs and visor and Sena, intentionally, safely, at the end of the day, in a good spot, rather than giving the $8 home depot hardhats to dumbshits who aren't expected to use their gray matter and will throw their gear anywhere.

If all your employees are good for, are being stick-picker-uppers who shove sticks into the stick eater machine, and who are not trustworthy, ya, good luck.
Employees will always resist doing tasks that seem menial. Espescially if they believe they are doing it for their boss as well. Doesn't matter if they're getting paid or not. Packing up the cool packs, cleaning them or whatever and putting them in the deep freeze at the end of the day while the 'boss' does something more administrative or important will draw ire on a small crew. Maybe alternate? Or better yet as the boss, do it for the employee, then they will appreciate it. Like they're being looked out for.

You can't expect employees to have an overly vested (see what I did there? Lol) interest in the workplace equipment or ppe. It's not there's and the profit it generates isn't either. You can hope they will. You can tell them too. But they never will. Not like the owner.

I never bucked up for a cool vest, just suffered and drank lots of water. Here it gets stupid hot too 40c, dry heat though. I'd make use of a garden hose often. Get a good rinse/soak of the head.

Well, its hot again. However, a customer (retired fire fighter) gave me some samples of Drip Drop. Like an electrolyte powder you mix in a bottle of water. This stuff is working better than others I have tried. Definately better than Gateraid or Poweraid. Katy tried some and is in less pain during the day. Rob is loving it. I guess Cal Fire guys are using it. Any way. Might want to try some. Seems I am less lethargic after the heat as well.
I use pedialyte in the water bottle, seems some better than straight water.

The cool vest, say you want to start wearing it later in the morning when the heat hits, how do you keep it cool in meantime. And if cooling runs out, how do you 'refresh' to last thru the day?