Murph's BC vid to me shows the tree raging forward with massive indomitable forces,
into an indomitable stop/face (of 'no face') that does not allow passage.
>>neither of these 2 badass bulls in same corral will give up ground! And tree fails...
On a LOT smaller scale and with almost no face/just kerf
>>same scenario can be tamed in tree vertically (kerf horizontal) to hop top over fence
>>or on horizontal branch as 'snap cut' (names /versions vary) of vertical kerf cut to be closed/Full Face Dutchman
Just not so massive forces of throw and stop, as to over-rule the constitution of the tree as a container of the competing volume of forces.
BUT, same 'schematic of forces' amplified to full tree forces of throw and receiving stop type fight
>>'blows tree apart' as the volume of competing forces supersede the constitution of the wood container
And gives a split decision of going forward and refusing to, from the same stick.
For the naming of Barber Chair, as i understand it, would be more classical if head hit ground and pushed back
>>or shear weight of tree downward on remaining spike/stand made the fold back
As to make tree sitback across the stump, pushing out the rear/ staying on the loaded axis
>>some can slide off side too at some point.
The forward and then back folding, more like old timey barber chairs at a barber's i remember
>>where top folded forward as lower part of chair slid back.
The kerf(or more) allows motion/speed into the mix, the squared part of E=MCsquared, and separation.
In smaller, in tree doses of force, this double edge sword is not quite as volatile, more in usable range (with enough throw to overcome stop/close).
But same, very volatile at full , unforgiving tree size.
>>note can also get BC from moving too slow in regular face, not enough speed force/spice in the mix to be throwing cleanly thru to relieve forces
The kerf cut face/early close makes it a Dutchman, that can induce speed into the controlling force met of close
>>noting that a tender, soft, slow hit on Dutchman can stall, stop etc. (possibly to BC)as doesn't have the speed multiplier to throw thru the stop of close
The real power of Dutchman is strong slap of more speed to be squared in response.
Full Face Dutchman offers no relief path, but step/side Dutchman does give this possibility and so more usable range
i think Dent stopped serving Dutchman, because of that double edged sword's very high volatility (of its usable power and curse in one).
Tho i speak and examine Dutchman from time to time, it is NOT to offer to do, (except in smaller , 'in tree' ranges of force)
but more to realize Dutchman power, and why NOT to invoke, especially accidentally.
>>why to cut squared meeting face parts, like fine wood carving
Tho the Dutchman force is from the bypass of cut perpendicular to fibers past the 'slanted'
NOT so much when slanted bypasses horizontal cut that is perpendicular to the fibers
>>horizontal bypass slanted is close within a close, primary/inner close ruling
>>slanted bypassing horizontal is more of a flex within a flex/flex again(some specific usages)
The Tapered Hinge as side load ballast/adjustment does NOT invoke the speed squared factor.
Contrasting to Dutchman closing later in throw, thru compression, Tapered Hinge force is present at start, works thru tension/not compression
>>and the tensions behind pivot part of hinge control speed, instead of compression/Dutch in front of hinge pivot part invoking speed squared.
Have even found step Dutchman usage on ground in bucking especially into top compression
>>first try not to feed cut/close into sheerest vertical force, but to side some (1:30 on clock or so)of less sheer force close
>>then step dutch high side with plastic wedge or block of wood (cube block of wood is what Dent showed for a step difference in felling)
Lower part of hinge folding to that face can have fat part of Tapered Hinge, to pull as Step Dutchman pushes in same direction
>>that is NOT to greatest vertical force focal
>>this can work in slower motion, but best to keep it moving not allowing to seize
>>anti-swing tuft of fibers on high side NOT needed