Dropping 25 pounds in 2 months

* Sparing Protein - Since the body relies on carbohydrates to burn as fuel, it's important to consume adequate amounts so that your body isn't forced to convert your valuable protein in to energy--a process know as ketosis. Ketosis is a state at which your body begins to break down the proteins in your body, and converts them to a usable source of energy. Unfortunately, your body can't distinguish the difference between the protein you eat and the protein in muscle tissue, and will literally start eating away at your muscle tissue if ketosis occurs.

this is when it gets scary....;)
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  • #53
I have been told to follow close to 20 g of carbs in the form of green veggies. That is for pure weight loss,no exercise. I am going to adjust that till the energy level feels right running.
just remember, slow burning, complex carbs are what you need while running, they have to be released slowly and steadily, green veggies might not have enough complex chains to give you that, try it and see though :)
Anything that uses that much hype for the purpose of getting sales is not worth it IMO. If it were good you wouldn't need to work so hard to see the product details. The 'Top Secret' tag was enough to get me to close out the link. :roll:
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  • #59
I could tell a big difference in my run today. Felt like I didn't have any power to get up the hill! More pasta and brown rice!
The more I try to lose weight, the less I believe it has to do with how much food you eat. I had a rather interesting experience lately concerning dealing with my weight. I've been really watching my caloric intake for the last three months and have subsisted on half my normal intake. After a quick 10 pound drop I leveled off about 185 and have made no progress whatsoever and feeling guilty because I can't starve myself any more than I already am. Then Erik came down to visit for a week and I just let the diet go while entertaining him and bringing him to all my favorite eating spots. We ate like pigs for a week and I was all prepared to pay the price. Today I weighed myself and I'm still at the exact same 185, I didn't gain a single pound from pigging out for a solid week.

So I'm no longer going to worry as much about my food intake because I really cannot see it making as much difference as people seem to believe. Obviously what you eat isn't the same as what your body absorbs. The biggest difference from my week of pigging out was that my bowel movements were larger. Seems that your body is going to absorb what it needs and discards the rest. Starving only throws my body into preservation mode, slows my metabolism and puts me in a foul mood. I think the answer lies in burning more calories and increasing metabolism, which I can't do if I starve myself.
Do you exercise at all Brian? Has most of your weight gain occurred after you started flying the bucket and climbing less?
Oh, and in case anyone forgot, the extra 10 pounds came on in December after I injured my arm and my physical activity all but ceased. I also immediately cut my food intake to almost nothing since I no longer had any income but gained the weight in spite of barely eating anything.

Yes John, I have slowly gained about 3 lbs per year for the last 10 years. I am still quite active but obviously not as active as a climber or full time groundie.
Have you ever tried walking for additional exercise? Its low impact, and actually a bit stress relieving as well. Good scenery, and a good opportunity to people watch too. Ive never been "an exerciser", but a good walk is beneficial and often enjoyable.
FU Butch :birdman:
John, I can't walk for very long because of my hip, but I've tried bike riding. I've really tried to keep it up but it bores me senseless. I wish I enjoyed it more.
Just a suggestion. How bout canoeing or kayaking? Surely you'd enjoy that if you brought a fishing pole along.

Ive been considering a canoe for a couple of years...... good exercise, and you can access so many areas a motor boat cannot.
You probably smoked your thyroid Brian. You can crash your metabolism by drastically reducing your calories. You'll drop weight and then plateau, your body is going to counter it.
You've gotta get one of these, and slap it in the middle of your living room in front of the tube.


And then comes the hard part... Getting your mind right!
My wife, Amy, has a little shelf in front of her elliptical machine. She frequently watches a tv series on Netflix on her laptop set on the shelf to keep her mind off of Left Right Left Right Left Right. Its made it easier. She's not a "work out" person, but this has made it easier for her.

Muscle mass is a key to metabolism. Its working when a person is not actually continuing to work out. The thing that I've heard is that there is the basal metabolism, and that after working out the metabolism is raised above this for up to 8 hours.

Leaner meats and fresh vegetables and fruit for carbs (carbs with fiber) seems to be a good game plan. Amy's doctor has told her to move more toward this (which I've been doing for a long while, both eating this way, and trying to move her away from pasta and such).

Best of luck with it.
I always thought gator wrastling was badass.

It'd burn some cheese burgers, too!
But then I would have to buy a tv. :thumbdown:

Regardless of the method used, my point is that losing weight seems to have more to do with raising metabolism rather than how much you eat. Dieting simply does not work IMO. I was dieting while my arm was messed up and I gained 10 lbs while sitting in the house doing nothing and living on one sandwich per day. But while Erik was here I was pigging out at least two meals per day for an entire week and gained exactly NOTHING. Feasting like a king didn't cause me to gain a single pound.