Climber/ Treeworker Injuries and Treatments

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WOW! Poor roach.
The faster, cleaner, more seamless healing with finger cot and triple anti-biotic
>>is almost dramatic enough change from olds-cool to cut own finger deep and see(whoa i said almost)!
This was another big lesson only for Carpal Tunnel this time (i got white finger during summer in Florida from this work as well!):

Seen some inner sanctum work outs of some of these guys, added to/re-affirmed ALL my force imageries, CoG etc.
>>as did back going out, found that the yin-yang strength in weakness was a more sensitive device to define(again) loadings thru own architecture.
Journey Continues!

There was also this crockpot of scented melted paraffin neighbor girl would have me stick hand in (used to be therapist)
>>coating/sealing hand,then wrap in plastic shopping bag then towel after work.
>>Very comforting/calming to inflammation >> 20 mins. of very moist heat
Thank you for posting that Kenny, I'm gonna start doing that. A few times a week my hand will spasm, feels like I'm getting shocked, and i drop what I'm doing.... not good lol. Hopefully that holds it at bay
Good share, Kenny. Those kind of things CAN work...those are good stretches.

I had a "trigger finger" in my right hand...middle finger...a few years ago. I worked thru several different exercises, stretches, etc. while I told myself I was gonna have to get surgery. Dang if it didn't go away.

It is slowly coming back and I am re-doing my "stuff" to see if I can deal with it again. Good luck, Kyle...hope it helps.
I tried endless techniques for carpal tunnel over the years. In the end I had surgery on my right hand, I was underwhelmed with the results. Numbness is gone but still some discomfort and strength loss. I'm guessing my hands have suffered from carpal, tendinitis, and now some arthritis too. Ah vell, life goes on. Gotta do stuff.
I was amazed at the following tweak- As a right handed tree guy, yes the right arm gets a hella workout over time. Sometimes, if a bunch of heavy duty jobs occur in a row, the hand/wrist can get overworked and I can feel tendonitis/overuse coming on. A few weeks ago, Friday after work, I felt it coming on big-time so I dug out a nice velcro wrist wrap that I've used with fairly good results in the past. I figured if I wrapped it up for the weekend and used ice etc, I'd be reasonably good to go for Monday morning.

Well the next day, it was still feeling very beat up. Thinking about chiropractic concepts I had seen online recently (not that I'm a big fan of chiropractic), I gave the thumb and each finger a strong pull. They didn't crack or anything but after that 10 second "treatment", 95% of the pain and was completely gone. I couldnt believe it. As the weekend went on, every few hours or so I could feel the pain trying to come back so I would yank each finger again and the pain would mostly disappear. So I kept on like that for a week or so and now the wrist feels good and back to normal.

I have zero idea how or why it worked, but it worked repeatedly. Live and learn!
Off the top of my head, I would say try some yoga. If you do it long term you'll be better off.

And check out some chiropractic vids on youtube, see what you think.
Careful with the yoga. Like new climbing techniques. Slow and low. My wife had me do some yoga at home once, after like 25min I could barely get up. I'm not overly flexible but I am overly competitive so when stretching I can easily overdo it. I had to quit tae Kwon do because of all the high kicking, if I'd just taken it easy I'd be alright but every time we had a class high kick competition I'd leave in serious pain.

I hate that about the sciatica flare up that feeling of not being able to get comfortable.
100% agree with go slow on yoga. That's why I mentioned above that it would take time to see results but I think it's effective for sure if you put the work in. Its not easy but its good. I'm doing what I call fake yoga cuz it is barely yoga but I do it as regular as possible and it's helping the earth suit feel and act better.
I do just basic stretches and calisthenics now. I'm boring like that. But I've had the best results for myself with just keeping it simple. Push ups and sit ups are my friend, actually I do curl ups or crunchs or whatever you call them, not actual sit ups. And just basic stretchs touch my toes, stretch my quads, stretch my arms, shoulders, chest, hands. Nothing fancy seems to work best for me.
Finger Pulling worx some!
Low and slow as stated,Yoga is an exercise, sometimes the slow journey is the whole point.
Few reserved plant names for cultural reverence: Lotus, Tree etc.
Most are named after animals, as Yoga traces the animate stages of existence, tracing the staged layers and bringing the most intense stretch from each to humans.
All other animates in their form of locomotion; compress and massage internal organs by working largest body hinge also.
>>this clean of body, then of mind very important to Yogi's.
As a fish swims, birds wings flap,snake slithers, quads way of walking, apes climbing etc. all very intense stretchy compress of digestive area; every n step very purposeful.
Tree climbing in it's tiered climbing (and random angle arm holds) forces (like stair climbing) compression/expansion of digestives!
Probably not too many constipated tree climbers!
>>to this theory of compression/stretch/massage internal organs as part of locomotion>>tree climbing does mimic closes animate architectural cousin!(hope i said that politically, correctly enuff!)
Very Sorry about Sciatic nerve Butch, that rates up there with Shingles in your Shorts(nasty)!
>>i have lumber crumble on R.side
>>pain cycle can start on left side/tension side L. overworking to make up from lacking compression support on R.
observe >>get L side spasms, from R side mechanical structural fail; as L. is trying to compensate for R.
>>i'm naturally R.handed, but will force self to carry can of paint with L. because that weight would even require less L.tension to compensate for R. fail
If that can of paint is on ground and needs in trunk
>>i push down with R. hand purposefully on bumper and lift paint with L.hand to trunk.
>>>>the weight must route to ground 'electrically' i offer route across my chest to opposite arm for this force path
>>>>rather than routing paint 'electrical path' force down thru my legs to reach ground.
If have to carry any package:2 hands CoG as close to me/spinal support column for as least leverage as possible
>>All the tree math re-lived!
Eventually i can get to where tired L muscles spasm and fail, then this causes R side to sit down
>>This sometimes clamps down on sciatic nerve >>RED ZONE!
Usually for me tho, goes another cycle of L. trys for awhile then spas-es out again and then real sciatic pain and twist to spine seen
Mostly can stay off mine, stretch etc.
i remember tho trying to hammer and beat it...seems a young man's game!
i had sciatic so bad could see like 20 grapes tight under my skin, she massaged nightly for months
>>very painful release, i really appreciated it as it exhausted me and found sleep too>> but had to say was getting around it, not hitting it
Would say there was 1 muscle tight as a bone, i could feel inside but she couldn't feel with fingers
After mos. she was like WOW is that it? YES!
>>eventually unwinding that tension nightly ; got me cleared of worst incident that i try not to get back into!
Each pain and tenderness re-sound to me structural, rigging lessons>> for now am just more sensitive device to sense same forces internally
>>welding in even more so intuitive, body knowledge, instinctive level of support understandings; to weigh past lessons against/re-affirm.

Also this has been friend, don't really use the heat function on mine:
I can't sit comfortably for very long - my thigh hurts. I need to be stretched out or standing up. Crap.

A few or six years ago I had siatica come on and couldn't work for 3 months. My old Egoscue exercises weren't touching it, chiro no help, my weekly yoga class was not doing it, I tried a top orthopedic doc and got only slight relief. Wasn't able to sleep at night for the pain and was finally starting to buy into some of the docs expressions about how unique it was how bad I had it etc, etc, ....then the orthopedic doc slipped with, "It's common for pregnant women to get it and it usually goes away after birth." That did it.

If it comes on and goes away for others, I can probably have it go too.

Investigate a bit. It's the main nerve trunk going from our spine down to our feet. It's routed through solid muscle. Tight muscles pinch it. Loosen muscles to their resting state, no pinch.
i remember tho trying to hammer and beat it.

That was a densely packed response, Kenny.

Lately, when needed, I take a hammer to the lower back right side where a knot frequently tries to form. It usually helps or at least inhibits worsening of the knot. I got the idea from these vids of mma fighters being treated. I think the hammer he is using in some of the vids is oversized for comedic effect, but I think he's trying to do what I'm referencing above. I hit mine way harder than he is doing in the vids.

Also, Kenny, what is that device pictured in your post above? And who is the "she" that was treating you, your wife or a therapist? Thanks.

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compress and massage internal organs by working largest body hinge also

Good info, Kenny. My Burmese yoga instructor often talks about using yoga postures, twists, compress/flex movements to massage internal organs and adjust/align our structural elements.

People are designed for movement...we just need to do it properly and regularly for health and fitness.
Re: hammer...this might help, too. I use one of these on my shoulders/traps/lats and large back muscles before I get out of bed every day.

