Climber/ Treeworker Injuries and Treatments

  • Thread starter Thread starter SeanKroll
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They're nice little jars too. It's just a good experience all around. I say it doesn't really help me, but I feel a little better about things using it, so I guess it does kind of work after a fashion.
Grandad would come home from karate smelling like tiger balm. I couldn't wait to smell like that. Then I did lol. Brusies, pulled muscles, aches, pains, you name it, tiger balm fixed the problem.

And I smelled exotic and enticing to the uncultured mountain girls, a real plus!
Ever use Sloans Liniment? Hard to find these days. I think it's only made in Singapore, and it's pretty expensive for what you get, but I've been thinking about buying a bottle to relive childhood. It's turpentine and capsaisin based. Might have some other stuff too. Nice heating, and a very distinctive smell.
The top/ back side of my thumbs have been sore at times.

I try to be careful to use a technique that doesn't use my thumbs when pulling throw lines, which I do a fair bit. Ropes, as well.

I don't pinch firewood between fingers and thumbs. I put two or more pieces in a stack and scoop beneath with fingers. Saves the wrists, too.

Pigeon pose is good for tight glutes and the small muscles, like the piriformis.
The top/ back side of my thumbs have been sore at times.

I try to be careful to use a technique that doesn't use my thumbs when pulling throw lines, which I do a fair bit. Ropes, as well.

I don't pinch firewood between fingers and thumbs. I put two or more pieces in a stack and scoop beneath with fingers. Saves the wrists, too.

Pigeon pose is good for tight glutes and the small muscles, like the piriformis.
Yes on the holding firewood.

My wrists are a weak spot, working in the rain yesterday, really felt it in my wrists later on.

Really hate those guys who make a big deal about squeezing and shaking your hand really hard to prove their manliness, I feel like giving them a left hook, tossers!
Lots of massage. A nice ointment like Tiger Balm, or some such adds to it. But honestly, massage and stretching, also avoiding things that I know aggregate my particular issues.
Hmm give me a line on it, I'm curious!
Here's an amazon link. Keep in mind I can't vouch for this particular version. I'm only familiar with the old US made stuff. Check the reviews. I haven't read them yet, but one guy shows an old full bottle he collected, and compares ingredients.

Found the review you referenced...

Well I can’t say if the new version is any good. But I will answer the concerns some of you had here as to how this current Sloan’s ointment is different from the one you used to know when you were younger... I collect old bottles and such, and it so happens I have a 3/4 Full glass bottle of Sloan’s liniment..... listed in order ingredients are: Capsicum Oleoresin, Methyl Salicylate, Oil of Camphor, Turpentine Oil, Oil of Pine.

Whilst roaming I found JR Watkins, a company I'm familiar with. Here's the link for it.

Amazon product ASIN B003BUWHA2

I use some of their other products fairly frequently.
I saw that last time I looked for Sloans. I got frozen in indecision, and didn't get either of them :^D I should pick up a bottle of each and see what they're about.
Really hate those guys who make a big deal about squeezing and shaking your hand really hard to prove their manliness, I feel like giving them a left hook, tossers!
Ha agreed.

Even before covid I wasn't big on shaking hands, and post covid I have perfect reasoning for fist bump or no shake.
Kunzea cream, Kunzea oil, very effective for aches and pains and strains
It's an extract from native Kunzea plants here in Tas. It's available on line now as 'Zea Relief' Pleasant, slightly astringent smell.
I combine it with Arnica cream too.
Another vote for Tiger Balm when the Kunzea runs out!
I found one of my homemade bracelets, but it's beat to hell. Looks like it got squashed somehow, but it'll give an idea how they go together. They're pretty easy to make. I know I have at least one good one around here somewhere. Wondering where now...


I spent a little time playing with it, and got it in much better shape. Still needs a bunch of tweaking, but I think I'll start wearing it. It's good enough for a beater bracelet, and I can see where it wants to go, and finesse the bent parts back. I gouged it up cause I used my leatherman pliers. I have a set of needlenose /somewhere/ that work pretty good for this stuff. They aren't jeweler's pliers, but the grip has been worn from the jaws, so they don't mar the metal too badly.
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Left bicep lower connective stuff, other stuff in elbow, left gripping stuff hurts…right shoulder rotator cuff. Both have had physical therapy for before that helped temporarily…
Can you go back to your pt exercises?
Among rock climbers, pulling muscles (elbow bending) can over- develop compared to pushing muscles, leading to imbalance and elbow pain.

IME, pushups are good warmup cross-training.

Working, also, often involves more pulling than pushing.