gf beranek
Old Schooler
A beauty for sure
SNIP ... What champions are in your area that you have seen or encountered?
Thanks Burnham. The best person I have ever meet. She literally saved me from an early grave, or a lifetime of free rent on a 4x8 cell.That's a good looking gal you landed there, Eric. Nice tree, too.
Common Name Elm, rock
Latin Name Ulmus thomasii
Year Measured 2013
Circumference (feet) 4.3
Circumference Height (feet) 4.5
Height (feet) 39
Crown (feet) 34
Total Points 99
Co-Champion No
Champion National Champion
County Douglas
Common Name Linden, littleleaf
Latin Name Tilia cordata
Year Measured 2015
Circumference (feet) 11.6
Circumference Height (feet) 4.5
Height (feet) 49
Crown (feet) 49
Total Points 200
Champion State Champion
County Douglas
Especially when the climbers are the size they are
We are recommending to all our customers who have Bradford Pear issues and any Ash removals to consider Lindens as a great, hardy replacement. They do well here, have a pleasing shape, and stay a manageable size.