August Hunicke Videos

Man, that's interesting. I wonder if they just don't feed successfully enough to make it. But then--you folks got some lllonnnggg winters up there. I wonder if our Kodiacs tend to make it through just because our winters are so much shorter.

I talked to an Oregonian timber cutter (old-timer) who had seen about eighteen logging seasons in southern AK. Said he had seen a few dead guys who had got nailed by those pigs, and that they all kept a huge handgun strapped to the front of their chests. He also said that you'd know you were almost dead if you found yourself peering down the gunning sight of your saw to try to hit the lay with a big Sitka, and then suddenly, you smelled something equivalent to fifteen homeless guys standing right behind you... Said he had shot more than one of em'. Granted: guys tell stories, but still...
Sounds partly bs. Was he in Southern or Southeast Alaska. They are 2 different places. I've run more brown bear off with a running power saw than I can ever remember. Many dozen. I have had them put the sneak on me while cutting but very rarely. This is a discussion that if continued should have its own thread. Not on August's excellent thread.
I took a couple day break from the Jerry edit to post this little hazard tree that came up Thursday. I've learned so many new things about editing due to the Jerry edit, that this little vid was a breeze. Enjoy. Now it's back to work.

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Thanks August. I noticed the speed line was pulling the stem into the old co-dom and not away... I usually am worried about the dynamic loading on the stem up high more than anything with those bad pondo tear outs.
Thank you guys, yup, Jerry, opening up the face is a happy little Insurance policy.
Yeah, really beautiful shot of the stob at the end?

So.... Zigzag/Blake's???.... You feeling much of a difference?