August Hunicke Videos

Blake, although I must admit, the zigzag is pretty slick at times. I'm getting ready to try it with an 11 mm rope.
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That was so amazing August. I love when you're wedging that stob over, and you just give it a shove at the end. Looked cool.

I cannot believe that youngster sliding off that roof. Man, that was insane. Hurt me just watching it.
Another vote for the clove hitch anyone? :/:

Willie: You're excluded on this one. :lol:

I watched it again. And I will probably watch it again later, too. If it is at all possible, I'm going to order a full set of August Hunicke videos on DVD. I think it would be a great vid to play during a dinner party.

Whatever it costs I want one.
Haha, thanks guys.
Jerry part 1, is 72% rendered, I'm getting hopeful the render will take this time.