Student of the Jedi. OH-7106A
Ok, now I know I missed something.
I bet he never tunes into my live feed. Pretty boring.
On the other hand, if I were to judge August from what he poyrays on the net, I would think he was the opposite to you....I would think he was incredibly Vain. At least, more so than any other individual that I've come across in the tree industry.
I do have a youtube account. I never used my full name. It was always recoates . Then a couple years ago youtube or Google changed it to my full name....without even asking. And, you can't just call someone up to tell them to change it back. I don't like my name. I don't like saying it. When Im at the lineup at starbucks I call myself Bob. It's just easier.
Well I appreciate all the vids. I am kind of fascinated by it. I mean people that do it. My whole life I've barely ever even taken the odd photo, while others would be snapping away like crazy.
I was thinking abut that reading August's 'picture a day' thread which is a really great thread. I have very little to contribute to it because I have no old pictures, and barely any new ones.
Sometimes I feel badly that I haven't photographed my life, my family more. I don't know why at the present moment in time I never think to 'capture' that moment or record it in anyway? Video just isn't even on my radar. Lol. I hope that doesn't become a even larger regret as I age, but my gut tells me it will.
I do really appreciate those that do take the time to record and share.
What you need is a knighthood.
Sir Reginald has a great ring too it, and would look awesome on the Starbucks cup. Try it out on your next skinny macchiato, no need to thank me.
You think I'm like August, Stig ? Mate, I'm way better looking.....Joking : )
Thanks for that uncharacteristic show of respect Stig.As for the whole Christianity thing ( See, I spelled it with a capital C, to show respect) I don't get that at all, but Jed is my favourite sparring partner, since he can take a punch to the jaw ( And to God) without getting pissed off mean.