August Hunicke Videos

So if the communication divide hampers my last post the there
Let me just plainly say that I hope I can be friends with you and Benn. I plan on being worth the effort.
So if the communication divide hampers my last post the there
Let me just plainly say that I hope I can be friends with you and Benn. I plan on being worth the effort.

August. Ive come nose to nose with many a guy on jobs.....friends of mine. Sometimes the pressure goes up, but it always comes back down again. 15 minutes later it doesn't really matter. Water under the bridge. I cant speak for Ben, but having worked with him for several years he's much the same I think.

I like competitiveness in tree work....testosterone like Stig says, bravado, whatever. Ive encouraged it often. Its mostly good for personal development and production in the trade, whatever aspect. But, code of ethics is surely sacrosanct.....I try to remind myself of that often.
As for the code of ethics.
My full name is Stig Bredsgård.
I hate the " Bravery under an alias" internet thing, so here is the real me.
For sure.
That has gotten me in trouble here a few times.
Seems like there was a lot of past interaction between you and August that I wasn't aware of.

You might keep that in mind when reading my posts in this thread.

Missed this one, sorry. Stig, you sound almost......sensitive. I don't like it. Go back to being a Dane will you.

Getting the death look from Juliet now, for spending all this time on the keyboard
Yeah man, this stuff takes time:/: My wife is sorry she ever bought me this puter:lol:
Omelette? Shoulda made pancakes, for everyone.

I feel like I'm reading a bunch of private messages. And somehow I feel better about not taking pics.
Is it pronounced like it looks Stig? Or should I do a Swedish Chef voice if I try to say it?

It is pretty much unpronouncable for non Danes

I used to give my parents hell for sticking me with a name that no one in the rest of the world can pronounce.

Yup, but the "G" is soft.
It sort of fades away.
So it is not Stick, it is more like Stigggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg.
Mail order bride had a hard time with that.

No problem. In the US I am Stig with ahard G and ind the german speaking countries I am Der Stieg.

Why couldn't they just have named me " Mike " or something like that?
But then you wouldn't have been you. You would have been Mike.

There are too many Mikes in this world. Haha.

My middle name is Michael, named after my dad, big Mike.
Hey Stig, one more thing regarding the youtube 'look at me' stuff. Many if the videos in my collection are credited and promoting which ever company I was working for on that day. It was alays a deliberate effort to drum up more work for them, which would often filter through to me if anot her tricky one ca me off the back off it. Call it a video Method statement. It worked in winning lots of jobs, particularly crane work. Coastal, Scotty tree, harbour view, nick bailey, NW Treeline, Bennet, Mitchell whoever. My name might be included in the credits thereafter....but only with the other workers who were on the job. The team. It's all still there online.
Water under the bridge, super refreshing to hear that, interesting as I read it I am trying to keep these kids corralled in a very public Playland. This is my daughter, Liberty, in the water under the bridge.
ha, I guess that's supposed to be sole?

Sole is how it is normally used, as in, 'one.'

But you were being Freudian about it. Honestly, 'Soul Proprietorship' is cool, it references the epic commitment most small biz's demand.
Personally, I find that self promotion can be rather distasteful when I see it going on. It's something of a necessity to survive though, in a lot of trades. I have two trades, high end furniture making and tree work. The first one really requires a certain amount of self promotion, putting out a degree of "pleasant scent", to have what are generally wealthy people come looking, and in a country where there isn't very much understanding of what people might be looking at when considering purchasing, having them like me first is pretty important to get the ball rolling. It took me a long time to understand that, because I'm of the opinion that the work speaking for itself should be the main thing. I naively once thought that it was the only thing. I just generally feel uncomfortable with self promotion, especially when i see that a lot, if not the majority of craftsmen that are really into it, I don't see their stuff as being that good, the hype is greater than the reality. "Smoke and mirrors", as my brother used to say, another craftsman. When you put your heart and soul into something, it seems there isn't much of yourself left over to go yapping about it.

Both Reg and August with their vids and such, I guess could be said to be exhibiting a degree of self promotion. I can't know what their total ambition is in making those vids. When I say a degree of self promotion, I mean when using the descriptive in a broad sense. I don't think that educating is really self promotion, but there also might be that other content contained within it, perhaps inadvertently. If I might take the liberty of saying, I don't find Reg's or August's "self promotion", distasteful at all, if there is indeed self promotion there, they both do it in a contained style. At this forum in particular they both understand that they are talking to other professionals. That's a little different from how you best communicate with the general public about what you do. I've often considered "restraint" to be a real essential quality to have, with a lot of application in different parts of life. Highly skilled and also restrained is a combination that I really can appreciate, I think it reflects humility and intelligence, both important human qualities.